Write Short to Succeed
Hows and Whys of Writing Short Stories and Articles
Conda V. Douglas
Conda V. Douglas
Want to be a successful author? Write short.
Whether you write short stories or articles or both, you'll find a wealth of benefits from writing short and sweet. Whether you are a new author or a long-established pro, Write Short to Succeed will teach you new, different, and unique techniques for writing short.
Writer's block? Write a short piece and break it. Need ideas for a novel or nonfiction book? Write short stories and articles for ideas and inspiration. Want to develop a character and/or setting for a novel? Write a short story about same and watch the ideas flow.
Need to promote your nonfiction? Write and publish articles for promotion that pays you.
Bestselling author Conda's 27-chapter workbook includes fun and easy exercises at the end of each chapter. Inside you'll discover guidelines for writing short; tips, hints, and exercises to get started; and proven strategies to ensure you get paid.
And much more.
Learn from Conda V. Douglas, an author whose writing career began with writing short stories. She's sold and published over a hundred short stories and articles, several of them award winners. Let Conda show you how to Write Short to Succeed!
©2015 Conda V. Douglas (P)2017 Conda V. Douglas