
  • 專訪加拿大壁球總會加拿大男子壁球公開賽 | Canadian Men's Squash Open
    10 分
  • 球迷心中的一個價 | A Value or A Price? (in Cantonese)

    第五十八屆美式足球超級碗喜見兩隊具有份量球隊對決,即日官方門票已經被推高至每張九千至近三萬美元!有價是否有市?- 加拿大中文電台 FM947 - 加家有球 FeverSports Radio - 節目主持黃慧聰 (左腳)。| Face Value may not be a Value in Mind, especially in major sporting events. According to StubHub, current prices on SuperBowl LVIII (2024) are hoving between $9,000 to $28,000! Is there a real market?

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    12 分
  • 體育和生物多樣性 | Sport and Biodiversity (in Cantonese)

    近年,體育和生物多樣性 (Sport and Biodiversity) 越來越受體育界關注,例如舉辦運動會時產生的污染、噪音、廢物、照明、交通和資源需求,對生物多樣性產生短期或永久性負面影響 - 加拿大中文電台 FM947 - 加家有球 FeverSports Radio - 節目主持黃慧聰 (左腳)。| Sport can negatively impact biodiversity through land use to build permanent or temporary sports venues and facilities, as well as through the pollution, noise, waste, lighting, traffic, and resource demand resulting from the staging of sporting events attended by hundreds or thousands of spectators.

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    11 分
  • 分析加拿大女球王冼佳雅的功績 | The Legacy of Christine Sinclair (in Cantonese)

    黃慧聰 (左腳) 評論 Christine Sinclair 對加拿大女足、體育界甚至加拿大國民的影響 - 加拿大多倫多星島 A1 中文電台 - 節目主持秦怡敬。| There is a need for the Chinese community to be familiar with this name - Christine Sinclair - who is the poster girl of women's soccer, not only in Canada but in the world. What legacy did Sinclair leave to the soccer eco-system, especially to Canadians?

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    10 分
  • 卡加利綜合室內運動場進入設計階段 | Calgary FieldHouse Project Update (in English)

    今集受訪嘉賓: Jasmine Mian (卡加利第三區市議員以及 FieldHouse Project 的主席)...卡加利 FieldHouse Project 是否圓夢的磋商最早在 2010 年開始,十三年後終於有眉目。卡加利市政府在 2023 年春季議程最後一天投票贊成項目進入設計階段,政府預留一億零九百萬,亦會立即與亞省政府和聯邦政府就 Matching Fund 融資安排方面談判。| Host Brian Wong is joined by Jasmine Mian (Calgary's Ward 3 Councillor) on Calgary’s proposed multi-sport fieldhouse project update. The Council has given the green light in June 2023 to move to the next stage, following a study to determine what type of amenities the facility would offer.

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    7 分
  • 加拿大男子國家隊在世界盃的機會 | Expectations on Team Canada Men's Soccer in the Qatar World Cup (in Cantonese)

    加拿大男子英式足球國家隊 36 年來再次躋身世界盃決賽週,九件這是曇花一現還是有力一拼?嘉賓黃慧聰 (左腳) 分析 - 加拿大中文電台溫哥華 AM1470 《大眾論壇》節目。| Brian Wong comments on what expectations Canadians should set for the Men's Soccer Team which enters the 2022 World Cup Finals in Qatar, a feat 36 years in the making.

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    45 分
  • 香港冰壼代表隊專訪 - Martin 甄浩天 x Ashura 黃婉婷 | Team Hong Kong Curling Team (in Cantonese)

    黃慧聰 (左腳) 訪問了香港冰壺男女子隊代表。2022 年,哈薩克、香港和中華台北等國家參加了一項新的世界冰壺洲際錦標賽,賽事由加拿大卡加利主辦。| Host Brian Wong joined with Team Hong Kong players in the 2022 Continental Cup which was hosted by Calgary, Canada. Kazakhstan, Hong Kong and Chinese Tapei are among countries in this new event.

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    10 分
  • 歡迎香港冰壺代表隊到加拿大比賽 | Interview with HKETO Director - Emily Mo (in Cantonese)

    香港隊遠赴加拿大卡加利參加洲際冰壺錦標賽挑戰列強,香港特別行政區政府駐多倫多經際貿易辦事處處長巫菀睛表示,加拿大冰壺在國際舞台已有出色的表現,反觀香港是剛剛起步,但香港選手年青而且對運動充滿熱情,今次比賽令香港隊選手與國際級運動員有交流機會。| Host Brian Wong is joined with Emily Mo, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office in Toronto, to discuss Team Hong Kong's debut in the first-ever World Curling Continental Cup in Calgary, Canada.

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    5 分