Most Americans know about his daredevil electrical⚡ experiment where he attached a metal key to a kite🪁 and flew it in a thunderstorm, there are many other reasons that Benjamin Franklin is known as one of the country’s most influential figures. Here are some fun facts about the man that helped shape our nation’s history. He is credited with inventing bifocals, lightning rods, flexible catheters, and swimming fins, as well as making several key discoveries about electricity. He was one of America's most influential statesmen and by many accounts, delightfully quirky weirdo.
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Benjamin Franklin’s Views on The Boston Tea Party: https://www.bostonteapartyship.com/tea-blog/benjamin-franklins-views-on-the-boston-tea-party
Special Thanks to Weird History on Youtube and The Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum / (Historic Tours Of America).
Don Mast - donaldmast@gmail.com
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