Is Jered Threatin the Tommy Wiseau of the music industry? The gang dives deep into the story of 'fake' California-based band; 'Threatin' and also discuss the potential death of albums. Shoutouts to Ember Trails new single, Andy's pick for N.I music prize; Rosborough and Don Maple's influential playlist on Spotify 'SODIE POPS'. You can find links to anything we discussed below: SODIE POPS (Don Maple Playlist): https://open.spotify.com/user/217pieabrv7nuu4sld4carzai/playlist/3FBXssNb5YfLLJJFcsyHLc?si=wuVLf0qWTq20pw5izWDirg THREATIN'S FAKE TOUR: https://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/fake-band-threatin-just-played-sold-uk-tour-absolutely-no-one-2400572 DEATH OF THE ALBUM: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/the-album-is-in-deep-trouble-and-the-music-business-probably-cant-save-it-753795/?fbclid=IwAR1sguia4U7rm7asW9uwE9ydgaNWTAUQ4miIme1DN6JCObhihUw9UdDqY5Y Thank you to Patrick J. Hodgen and Zeal for their song 'Queen of the Rodeo' as our theme song.