LEAD LAP SHOW - Episode 350 - August 12, 2022
HOST: Tom Baker
GUEST: F1 Prospect Hunter Yeany
For 17-year-old Hunter Yeany, achieving his goal of being the youngest American driver to compete in Formula One is at the forefront of everything he does. The Virginia native has made the move to Spain to compete in the FIFA F3 Series against some of the world's top F1 future prospects and he's done that with a focus and determination that are truly remarkable. "Ambition Is Forever" is so ingrained in this young man that he's turned it into a merch line. Finding peace on the water when he's not at full speed in the race car, Hunter is determined to do what it takes to succeed in one of motorsports' most competitive environments. He's with us for the entire show, and we hope you enjoy hearing from him.
Lead Lap Show is a weekly behind-the-scenes look at the stories and personalities of Southeast regional motorsports. The show is hosted by published motorsports journalist Tom Baker, and is produced by Steering Wheel Nation.