(0:23) My (28M) girlfriend (25F) is constantly criticizing my food choices and it's causing a big problem in our relationship.
(6:27) My boyfriend (26M) verbally insults me (25F) in public spaces, am I being overly sensitive.
(11:59) I (18M) ghosted my boyfriend (18M) of three years, until he broke up with me was I in the wrong.
(19:56) AITA for kicking out my girlfriend?
(22:39) AITA for kissing my husband at a friend's event?
(27:06) AITA for telling my husband he deserved to be called an idiot by my sister for what he told her kids during thanksgiving dinner?
(31:52) AITA for leaving my boyfriend stranded at a party for making a joke?
(34:51) AITA for not paying for my girlfriend's petrol after borrowing her car?
(39:13) I (18F) come from an abusive household in a small town, have all my life with no serious way of medical help my partner (21M) are planning moving in soon but am I wrong for seeing this as a way of escape?