In this episode, Amena and Kay share their experiences dealing with perfectionism, and express differing views on how to handle it. As always, this is a deep but refreshing conversation between two people who are committed to making the world a most just and equitable place for everyone.
Amena Chaudhry can be found here at Zarafa Consulting, zarafaconsulting.com, and her Intercultural Development Assessment (IDI) page is here https://zarafaconsulting.com/idiassessment/. To book an emergency session with Amena, click on the link to book a breakthrough strategy session.
Kay Coughlin can be found at Facilitator On Fire FacilitatorOnFire.net and her antiracism resources page is https://facilitatoronfire.net/antiracism/.
The podcast webpage, with resources from all episodes and a list of resources to support Palestine, can be found at Unraveling-Isms.com.