"My life is being a navigator and helping navigate people just get started." – Brian Ondrako Listening to Brian now, it's hard to imagine him as a young child in small-town NY, struggling with feelings of inadequacy & lack of self-belief, but those are his roots. A persistent negative mindset & placing blame on others were his defense mechanisms of choice, & they left him stuck in a cycle of procrastination & self-doubt through adulthood. That is until the shame & regret overcame his fear, & he told those mechanisms to take a hike! Embracing a mindset of action & growth, Brian set out to "just get started" – making small, incremental changes one step at a time. So transformative was it for him that he just couldn't keep it a secret. Today, through his coaching, podcast, & books, Brian encourages everyone to move past their doubts, take the first step, & navigate life with confidence. We could all use some of that. To learn more, find him at BrianOndrako.com. Brian's journey & leadership is captured perfectly by Zig Ziglar: "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."