My signature program, The Moneywise Mastermind, helps women get a handle on their credit cards and gain momentum paying off debt once and for all.
And it kicks off Monday!
This is the fourth round running this mastermind, and it gets better and better as I work with my clients to determine how to create a program that’s totally supportive and has clear next steps.
No one wants to join a group or 1:1 program, sign the contract and make the first payment, only to sit around for a week or more waiting for direction, a call schedule, or anything to answer the question: “NOW WHAT?”
So I thought I’d share exactly what the first week of Moneywise looks like beginning Monday next week!
Tune in for this week’s episode of Messy to Magnetic to hear more.
Ready to join Moneywise?
Send me a DM here: http://m.me/almstromfinancialcoaching
Or learn more at https://www.katyalmstrom.com/moneywise
Get your free copy of 9 Ways to Break Up With Your Credit Cards: https://www.katyalmstrom.com/9-ways
Connect with Katy:
IG: www.instagram.com/katy_almstrom
FB Group: www.facebook.com/groups/networthwoman