This episode, number 13 is about where to find wildlife and take pictures of it. For us, as wildlife and nature photographers we need to be able to find subjects to photograph. What may seem a simple task is in fact quite complicated and can be a challenge to people starting out in wildlife photography.
The episode was inspired by one of our listeners who asked “How do you go about finding your subjects to photograph?” It was such a good question that we decided to do a complete episode trying to explain how we go about it.
There are loads of hints and tips for you to try for yourself. And we will explain the different methods we have tried and our preferred way of working. This episode should give you lots of ideas on how to find subjects to photograph and along the way will give you an insight into how we get our images. Images that we like to think are just a little bit different from the norm. You will also get a greater understanding of why we do what we do.
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Buzzsprout - https://wildlifeandphotography.buzzsprout.com/1491085