Christian Brim, founder of Core Group, talks about the realities of leading a business through growth and financial challenges. Christian shares his journey of scaling back to grow intentionally, emphasizing the importance of sound accounting processes and focusing on margin improvement. He dives into the role of a leader in guiding a company towards meaningful goals, not just growth for its own sake. Christian offers actionable insights on managing labor efficiency and building a sustainable business model that balances profitability with purpose. His leadership philosophy centers on creating value for others, staying true to your unique strengths, and making tough decisions that steer the business in the right direction.
Want to learn more about Christian Brim's work? Check out his website at https://christianbrim.com/.
Connect with Christian Brim on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/christianbrim/.
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Want to learn more about Craig Andrew’s work at allies4me? Check out his website at https://allies4me.com/.