If you are taking pictures outdoors then this podcast is for you. The weather is an important consideration to the type of picture you are going to get, and it can even determine where you can go.
The weather forecasts we had access to were so vague, we found that we were wasting time, by going to places, only to find the weather was not as predicted. Weather is so important to us, we decided that we had to do something to try and increase our odds of getting a get picture. We decided meteorology is a vast and complicated subject but there had to be a better way of knowing what the weather is going to do.
It seems impossible for amateurs, to be able to do better than teams of trained meteorologists but it is not such an impossible task. What we learned, and use daily and why we took the decision to be our own weather forecasters. How we use the information that is on the internet to make our own predictions and give you some pointers on how to get started yourself. Are all in this episode.
Don’t’ forget if you have any questions you would like to ask about this or any of our episodes please reach out to us on social media. We will try and give you an answer or at the very least point you in a direction that may get you the answer.
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Buzzsprout - https://wildlifeandphotography.buzzsprout.com/1491085