15 Common English Idioms
- Using a Sledgehammer to crack a nut ( Using more force than is necessary )
- You hit the nail on the head. ( You are exactly right )
- Ballpark Figure. ( A rough guess / estimate )
- The whole shooting match. ( Everything )
- Turn a blind eye. ( Ignore to keep the status quo )
- Spanner in the works. ( Something that causes a problem )
- Go the whole 9 yards. ( Do more than is expected )
- Walking on egg shells. ( Avoiding a subject in order to maintain the status quo )
- A snowball’s chance in hell. ( Not very likely / impossible )
10.Keep an ear to the ground. ( Pay attention to a subject or situation )
11.Never look a gift here I the mouth. ( Accept free things without question )
12.Never judge a book by its cover. ( Don’t accept a person or thing by its appearance )
13.A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush. ( What you have is the only thing that you can rely on)
14.He who pays the piper calls the tune. ( The person who pays makes the decisions )
15.Pushing an open door. ( Total agreement )
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