Do you ever feel like you are living on a roller coaster? One day you are upbeat and positive with everything going perfectly and the next down it’s all downhill. It’s mentally exhausting, right? Women are more susceptible as we tend to be emotional beings.
I remember in my real estate career I would enjoy a wonderful day. A perfect Arizona spring with the sun shining and the brilliant blue sky hanging overhead. My team worked beautifully together, and production was right on track.
And then boom, out of nowhere, my day started to unravel. An appraisal came in under value and the buyer wanted to cancel. One of my listings decided to cancel for no good reason. A team member decided she wanted to go out on her own. You’ve experienced it too.
What changed?
Stay tuned to today’s episode for strategies to level the peaks and valleys that wreak havoc on your real estate career.
Find the full transcript for this episode plus resources for Team Leaders at beckykolb.com/17
I help women team leaders in real estate hire and retain productive talent, develop exceptional customer service and build referrals.
Work with me: https://beckykolb.com/work-with-becky/
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