Introducing the a cat lady and a whipping boy: 0:00
Hawk reviews the Voice and someone shows up late: 3:04
Chicago talk and if Hawk is really loyal to Chicago, Lions vs Steelers talk and more The Voice review: 18:48
Ash learns about Pokemon Gen 4 and Gen 5: 23:24
Kai's late aswell: 1:05:43
Hawk asking What we are thankful for? backfires on him: 1:06:37
A Story about Hawk and beef and Ash's troubles with picking food. Predicting Hawk at Ash's wedding. A segment idea. A Story about Olive Garden. Ash explains Kai's dating cycle.: 1:11:35
An 'absolutely true story' about Freddy hitting on a girl: 1:19:45
An Unprofessional Outro: 1:22:10
Follow us on
twitter: Worstfriends21
IG: WorstFriendspod
Tiktok: Worstfriendspodcast
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ6z6NnULtocR7tJ5YHqrxw?app=desktop
Hawk reviews the Voice and someone shows up late: 3:04
Chicago talk and if Hawk is really loyal to Chicago, Lions vs Steelers talk and more The Voice review: 18:48
Ash learns about Pokemon Gen 4 and Gen 5: 23:24
Kai's late aswell: 1:05:43
Hawk asking What we are thankful for? backfires on him: 1:06:37
A Story about Hawk and beef and Ash's troubles with picking food. Predicting Hawk at Ash's wedding. A segment idea. A Story about Olive Garden. Ash explains Kai's dating cycle.: 1:11:35
An 'absolutely true story' about Freddy hitting on a girl: 1:19:45
An Unprofessional Outro: 1:22:10
Follow us on
twitter: Worstfriends21
IG: WorstFriendspod
Tiktok: Worstfriendspodcast
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ6z6NnULtocR7tJ5YHqrxw?app=desktop