Welcome to the second episode of the new original podcast “Interview With Myself”. In this episode, I interview my Success. I invited my Success on this podcast after interviewing my Failure last episode since they are both connected and to me are the two sides of the same coin. One which I despise (Failure) and one which I am addicted too and want extremely to have (Success). I love her and I hate her. I learned from a very young age that she will give me value and love more than anything else which also means that when she is not around it can get emotionally dark.
I this episode we discuss what is Success. How Success is always present. We break down having Success dysphoria. We discover that it's not easy being Success and how all the other feelings are actually jealous of her and much much more. I hope you enjoy my interview with my Success.
This Podcast is created, written, produced, directed and Hosted by Maia Akiva.
Connect with Maia on social media to learn more about her feelings and how to communicate with yours, plus catch exclusive live videos & events:
INSTAGRAM - @maiaakiva // https://www.instagram.com/maiaakiva/
FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/maiaakiva2
TWITTER - @maiaakiva // https://twitter.com/maiaakiva
YOUTUBE - https://www.youtube.com/maiaakiva
INSTAGRAM – My feelings just started their own Instagram feed! @maiaakivafeelings // https://www.instagram.com/maiaakivafeelings/
Facebook group "Interview With Myself" A Podcast with Maia Akiva" - https://www.facebook.com/groups/923421541332410/
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Thank you from the bottom of my heart (who will be a guest on the podcast) for listening and joining me as I get to know my feelings, emotions and parts like never before.