Live YOUR Life Like You're Dying! In this interview with Barry Nicolaou we talk about how the prospect of death can help us prioritize what is important in life, find our purpose, and live our life to the fullest. The Inspiration Barry absorbed one fateful day at a cemetery led him to write and publish a #1 Best Selling book on Amazon. His book; The 11 Master Secrets to Business Success and Personal Fulfilment outlines the 11 areas that intersect economic freedom with personal fulfillment. His forte' is in deconstructing the layers beneath cognitive fear, indecision, subconscious paradigms, Inherited thinking, habitual thinking and their intimate relationship to real-world expectations and experiences. His new presentation on Gratitude Leadership for corporations and numerous mental health programs that have been added to his 1-1 work, assisting businesses to take a holistic look at their culture as an 'energy' that feeds straight to the bottom line.
Barry's 1-1 work can be found at https://www.fiverr.com/share/26KQVX
His corporate work can be found on www.barrynicolaou.com