When you are good at making things happen, you are going to get asked to make a lot of things happen. Other people are going to ask you to help make things happen – things that may or may not be on YOUR list of priorities.
And, if you aren’t willing to tell them no, you will find yourself spending more time on other people’s projects or priorities than your own. Here are three critical questions to ask and answer for yourself - and why it's important to do so. This podcast episode is based on a chapter of Ria's book, The Ladder of Influence: 5 Steps for Climbing to the Next Level and Beyond.
Pick up a copy of the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Ladder-Influence-Steps-Climbing-Beyond/dp/B0BW2G3W1L/ref=sr_1_1?crid=10D71ICRGPQRH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9._J7Sjdgym7VJvb_eVaMSqzDEITmGS15i-txvm46LEMw.aYoRyLKbaYL36vEYZ7VK6kmw1Y4I236rDe03nQP6294&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+ladder+of+influence+ria+story&qid=1719593639&sprefix=the+ladder+of+influence+ria+story%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-1#theladderofinfluence
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