We have no idea how we actually made this work, but this week we are SO excited to share out first episode with Barb and Brenda! We find out what they really think of the podcast, discuss their innate detective Mom-skills, and all take turns sharing our favorite "getting caught" teenage stories. We also reminisce about our Girl Scout days (Troup 4569 represent) and try to work out some friendship math (we have been friends for 2/3 of our lives!). Despite our best efforts to keep them on rails, we sometimes devolve into mom-talk about obscure retirement hobbies (snowshoeing anyone?), updates on our childhood friend's moms, and organic vs. non-organic produce. We end with a really nice segment of Mom-pliments and Danielle experiences a moment of healing with Barb.
The Dirty Dozen and The Clean 15
The Station/Great White fire (2003 Washington Post Article)