View Episode 45 Show Notes on our website here.
In this episode of 7-Figure Fundraising, Trevor Bragdon looks into the Psychology of Fundraising with Tarren Bragdon, co-founder of 7-Figure Fundraising and founder and CEO of the Foundation for Government Accountability.
In this episode, they look at:
- How you create fundraising habits.
- Habits for the task you want to do but don't.
- Habits for things you don't want to do but need to do.
- Lastly, how do you create habits for those things you hate doing but need to get done?
Mentioned in the episode:
Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg https://amzn.to/3R25qrU
Show Notes: https://www.7figurefundraising.com/podcast
7-Figure Fundraising Workshop: https://www.7figurefundraising.com/7ff-workshop
To see all the show notes visit: https://www.7figurefundraising.com/podcast/
To learn more about fundraising and our training visit: 7FigureFundraising.com