We have news…Sadly we have decided to stop the podcast. We’ve thought about this a lot and it wasn’t an easy decision at all because we have soooo much fun recording and love our audience so much! However, life is really busy for us both this year. Our schedules are so different that we’ve been struggling to make it work and to be able to put in the time and effort that it deserves. So to relieve some stress, this will be our last episode for the time being…we really hope to pick it up again at some point when life allows us to! Please listen in to our final episode of us reminiscing on the journey, celebrating all of our achievements and thanking everyone who has played such a huge part in it over the last 1.5 years. Pls don’t rush to unfollow us, we would still love to hear from you guys and keep in touch. It’s not goodbye its ciao for now 😘