Fall brings change. Change from a more laid-back, less regimented season to one of more routine. Vacations are over, the kids are back in school, and rhythms of life are being re-established.
This is a great time for a financial check-in. Summer expenses like vacations have impacted our spending plan. Maybe a physical move has led to a different financial picture. Looking ahead, back-to-school expenses like clothes and children's activities may pose some additional challenges for our spending plan.
Podcast host James Lenhoff leads us through a three-step process for a fall financial check-in:
- Review the summer and compare it financially to the spending plan.
- Project expenses for the fall.
- Make adjustments now!
This is a particularly crucial check-in because we all know what's coming - the holiday season. Gifts, travel, events, and other potential expenses. Reviewing our financial status now helps us plan well for the remainder of the year and avoid those last-minute crunches!
To learn more check out www.GoodSenseMovement.org
Email James at: JamesLenhoff@GoodSenseMovement.org
You can see the full video of some of our podcast episodes on our YouTube channel.