We've all felt it before. The sinking feeling that you're not good enough. That existential dread of walking into a situation or room or job, or project where your internal monologue is shouting at you, "YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!"
The idea of imposter syndrome is one that almost every woman in a creative or professional field has heard of and assigned to herself at one time or another. But how is this "syndrome" defined, and WHO even came up with it?
Strangely enough (ahem, not strange at all), the idea itself is made up and was substantiated in very biased conditions decades ago.
In this episode, we review one of Havard Business Review's most popular articles, which states that maybe, just maybe, imposter syndrome doesn't exist the way we think it does.
We also look at reframing how we see ourselves and touch on Brene Brown's conversation with the article's authors. If you've ever felt like an imposter at home or work, listen up. This conversation is a goodie.
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"No bullshit, all love..."
Produced by Cassie Roma and Vanessa McGowan. Music "Big City Women" by Tattletale Saints.