In this episode, Amena and Kay talk about how white people, especially those in the U.S. and global north, must take responsibility for speaking up about oppression, and why it's so important to talk about accountability. Along the way, they discuss the ancient Greek play, "Lysistrata," as an example of how community helps create action and accountability.
Amena Chaudhry can be found here at Zarafa Consulting, zarafaconsulting.com, and her Intercultural Development Assessment (IDI) page is here https://zarafaconsulting.com/idiassessment/. To book an emergency session with Amena, click on the link to book a breakthrough strategy session.
Kay Coughlin can be found at Facilitator On Fire FacilitatorOnFire.net and her antiracism resources page is https://facilitatoronfire.net/antiracism/.
The podcast webpage, with resources from all episodes and a list of resources to support Palestine, can be found at Unraveling-Isms.com.