Speaking with a new Christian, he was so moved by communion, he said, "I didn't just want a piece of bread, I wanted the entire loaf." We all hunger for love, for success, for perfection. I hunger for forgiveness.
I hunger for a day when I won't need forgiveness.
On more than one occasion, I have asked for the entire loaf. Big miracles from a really big God, deserving none of it.
A Canaanite woman begged Jesus to heal her daughter. He answered. "Woman, you have great faith. Your request is granted." and her daughter was healed in that moment. Matthew chapter 15. To this woman, who was considered undesirable, a crumb was more than enough. When miracles do not arrive in the size and shape of my liking, I am discouraged and fail to be thankful for the crumb of blessing the Lord placed in my hand. A fever broken, pain subsiding, a peaceful night's sleep.
I will continue to be persistent in prayer, asking for the entire loaf, but knowing a crumb is more than enough. Thank you, Lord.