
  • Falling Away 2

    In this episode, I continue my teaching on the end times falling away and how you can stay equipped for such a time. 



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    16 分
  • End Times Revival?
     Is there going to be a real end-times revival or can we expect something else according to scripture? afireinmybonespodcast@gmail.com
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    13 分
  • All these are the beginning of sorrows

    Wars, rumors of wars, pandemics, famines, persecution all these things sound pretty fearful but Jesus says to not be troubled because these things must come to pass.  

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    18 分
  • What God showed me about the Anti Christ!

    In a dream God showed me the anti christ and what he is doing.  Many in the church and outside the church have been deceived by his lies and it's time for those of us who recognize this spirit to speak up!  

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    17 分
  • What agreement does God have with Satan?

    God is calling us to separate ourselves from the world.  For too long we have tried to mix and mingle righteousness and unrighteousness, God and our sin and it's just not working.  God is tired of it and is calling His children into a separation/divorce from the world and it's ways.  This new season is going to require an allegiance with a holy and just God.  

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    14 分
  • America's Plumbline

     In Nov of 2012, God gave me a dream of a wall, an angel with a plumbline and said, "Turn things around!"  I believe the Lord was showing me the crookedness of this nation but the church is at fault for being silent.  In order for things to turn around the church needs to do what 2 Chronicles 7:14 says,  humble ourselves, pray and seek God's face and turn from our wicked ways.

    Connect with us at : afireinmybonespodcast@gmail.com

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    12 分
  • Let it go!

    A perfect word for this new year is, lay it down! Go into the new year a free person no longer bound by burdens or sins.  Lay aside every weight, and sin that so easily besets you. Hebrews 12:1

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    10 分
  • O ye of little faith?

    Stop the worry! God knows exactly what needs we have.  The only thing you and I need to worry about is the seeking of the kingdom of God and His righteousness.  

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