Ouch! This pregnant woman’s 4 year old kicked her in the groin just days before she’s supposed to go into labor. She has a hematoma, and the pain around her uterus is so severe she can barely walk. The slightest touch to her pelvis sends her into agony. How can a person go into labor like this? Acupuncture is renowned for pain relief but the injury is severe and the clock is ticking.
Points Used;
MingHuang (Bilateral)
3 Ah Shi points by LI11 (Opposite the side of the injury)
ST34 (Opposite the side of the injury)
PC6 (Opposite the side of injury)
ST43 (Same side as the injury)
LIV3 (Same side as the Injury)
GB34 (Opposite side as the Injury)
+ Soft tissue manipulation at site of injury while stimulating acupuncture
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