• Chapter 14. Surah Ibrahim; Abraham

    The 14th chapter of the holy Quran takes its title after a magnificent, successful and respected man, by all monotheistic religions. This man is no other than Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). This chapter has one of the most beautiful and captivating stories in the Quran. Prophet Ibrahim propagated the religion of Allah but with logic and reason. Though the people were idol worshippers he spoke to them with reason and understanding. This man was an extraordinary man, one of the greatest prophets sent to mankind. ⁣

    In these 10 minutes Sayed Jawad Qazwini will cover the highlights of Surah Ibrahim and speak about the fascinating story of his life in this chapter. Share this with all your Jewish, Christian and Muslim friends.⁣

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  • Chapter 13. Surah Ar-Raʿd; The Thunder

    In this episode Sayed Jawad Qazwini explores Surah Ar-Raʿd or The Thunder. This Surah is distinguished by its moving description of Gods power and knowledge. Sayed Jawad discusses why this chapter is named after thunder. He speaks about the pagans and their superstitions, as well as modern day superstitions. He also touches on how the prophet handled superstitions and rituals that went against humanity. Sayed Jawad delves into the most powerful verses of this chapter. ⁣

    Through this chapter Allah speaks of many important lessons that we can implement in our lives such as family relations, having full faith in Allah, and the fact that our circumstances will not change unless we change them ourselves. In only 10 minutes you will have greater comprehension and understanding of this powerful chapter.⁣

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  • Chapter 12. Surah Yousef; Joseph

    Surah Yousef or Joseph is a chapter with a beautiful story and many important lessons that we can implement in our daily lives. This chapter speaks of prophet Jacob, and the life of Prophet Joseph from the time his brothers abandoned him in the well to the point where he became the most powerful man in Egypt. Learn about one of the most beautiful lessons this chapter has and it is the way prophet Joseph responded back to the actions of his brothers that abandoned him after becoming the most powerful man in Egypt. Sayed Jawad also speaks of many critical lessons mentioned in this chapter including, the way you need to treat your children, tawakul in Allah, how to respond to injustice, and the interoperation of dreams. Join Sayed Jawad as he delves into the twelfth chapter of the Quran.⁣

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  • Chapter 11: Surah Hud; Eber

    The Eleventh chapter of the holy Quran, named Surah Hud was revealed in the year of sorrow, which was the last year of the settlement of the prophet in the holy city of Mecca. This chapter speaks of the stories of many of the prophets including the prophet Hud. In this episode Sayed Jawad Qazwini speaks about the concept of Religious freedom mentioned in this chapter and through out the Holy Quran. Sayed Jawad speaks about the reason why the blessed beard of Prophet Mohammad turned grey due to this chapter. Learn how to achieve patience from the stories of the prophets. There are many important lessons to be learned and integrated in our daily life. You will learn many beautiful stories in this chapter in only 10 minutes. Share this with your friends and family, both Muslim and non-Muslim, so that they are able to derive many important lessons from the Holy Quran.⁣

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  • Chapter 10: Surah Yunus; Jonah

    Starting from the 10th chapter, the Quran begins to dedicate chapters to Prophets and Messengers or honorable individuals such as Marry or Luqman. This chapter which tells the story of Jonah is meant to inspire the Muslim community by telling them of the stories of past communities of prophets. The story of Jonah is particularly inspirational for those who want to seek repentance or closeness to the almighty God. Many beautiful verses are within this chapter, some of which are explained by Sayed Jawad in only 10 minutes. Don’t forget to share this with Muslims and non-Muslim to do your part in serving the message of the Glorious Quran.

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  • Chapter 9: Surah At-Taubah; The Repentance

    This is known to be the most controversial chapter of the holy Quran, this chapter is used by those who misunderstand the holy Quran or try to distort the image of Islam . This is the only chapter that does not start with the verse of mercy and compassion. Many believe that this is a chapter that invokes and promotes violence. We will prove that on the contrary it gives the evil doers a chance for repentance. This chapter also speaks about the incident of the cave between the Prophet Mohammad and his “companion.” This chapter speaks of significant events in Islamic history and many other important lessons. Tune in to this 10 minute episode to learn all about this Surah chapter.

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  • Chapter 8: Surah Al-Anfal ;The Spoils

    Surah Al-Anfal ;The Spoils

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  • Chapter 7: Surah Al-A'raf, The Heights

    Surah Al-A'raf (The Heights) is amongst the very last chapters which descended in Makkah. The 7th chapter is one of the most understudied chapters of the Quran. It takes its name after verses 46-48 which discusses a place in paradise (place of honour) on judgment day which hosts special individuals. Those men will preside over the "heights" with a permission given to them by Allah.

    In this episode Sayed Jawad Qazwini beautifully summarizes the Surah's main cardinal messages and discusses how it relates to our lives today. In only 10 minutes increases your knowledge of this chapter from the Holy Quran.

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