What does it take to create and maintain an equitable work environment, and why does this seem to be particularly difficult in faith-based workplaces? Our guests Ruben & Jen Alvarado, specialists in the fields of pastoral ministry and human resources, share insights into the operational challenges particular to religious organizations, as well as ideas on how to overcome them.
Resources from this Episode:
Mort, Geoffrey A. “Freedom to Discriminate: The Ministerial Exception Is Not for Everyone – or Is It?” New York State Bar Association, 31 October 2022, https://nysba.org/freedom-to-discriminate-the-ministerial-exception-is-not-for-everyone-or-is-it/
Barna Group. “Excerpt: What Pastors Wish They’d Been Prepared For.” Barna, 19 April, 2023, https://www.barna.com/research/pastors-better-prepared/