
  • Spring Forward... Our World Is Backwards

    Join us as we get ready to spring forward....

    Banned books and political witch hunts taking place in public schools. We’re supposed to have flying cars, and we can’t even catch a train without fear it will derail. Is it 2023 or 1823?  

    In this episode, Anna and  Ex discuss infrastructure,  cupcakes,  and of course… Modern Day Slavery! Maybe it’s  why  Anna feels like... Liberating hotel towels is a form of reparations!

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    48 分
  • Uncle Tom Foolery

    “But don't let it be a black and a white one, 'Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top, Black police showin' out for the white cop.”

    NWA-Fuck the police

    Police brutality and extrajudicial killings are nothing new in the country. The recent killing of Tyre Nicho was shocking to some people because the officers responsible were black.  

    In this episode, Anna and Ex explore the history of police in America, how power can corrupt, and fear can make you turn a blind eye. Plus, an unscheduled emotional breakdown.

    We’re shocked that we’re not shocked!





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    1 時間 15 分
  • WOKE... It’s not a four-letter word

    The term Woke isn't new. However, the controversy and attention surrounding it sure is!

    From state laws outlawing it ( here’s looking at you Texas and Florida) to causing rifts between friends and family.  This old term is causing new drama. 

    In this episode, Anna & Ex explore what being woke really means, and how it is being used as a weapon to prevent growth and education.  Why does white comfort matter so much and how come you can’t take everyone with you on your journey?


    https://www.texastribune.org/2021/06/22/texas-critical-race-theory-explained/ 2




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    56 分
  • Cheating... It happens but not Ok

     Is it really cheating though?

    Sex, stress relief, self-sabotage. There are many reasons why people “cheat” on their partners. 

    In this episode, Anna and Ex take a look at why people cheat, how to address issues that lead people to stray, and how ( and if you should) recover after infidelity has occurred.

    It’s a slippery slope… but it’s never ok





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    1 時間 18 分
  • Black Business and Inventions

    From hot combs to saving babies in hot cars, black ingenuity has developed many technologies and tools we use every day.  Literally…. The internet!

    In this episode,  Anna and Ex explore black business, innovation, and a little bit of fun history.  We’ll also discuss whether black excellence is helpful or harmful... And whether or not Ex really needs those pants that say "Bold Black and Bougie!"









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    1 時間 28 分
  • Modern Day Slavery

    Chris Rock once opined, “Shaquille O’Neil is rich, the white man who signs his check is wealthy.” Like most comedy, it's funny (and sad) because it's true. 

    In this episode, Anna and Ex explore how professional sports (here’s looking at you, NFL and NBA) are a multi-billion dollar industry that makes money by commodifying black people (deja vu, anyone).  Why do collegiate athletes who try to be compensated for their name, image, and likeness (which brings in hundreds of millions of dollars for NCAA schools) get punished? How did some “white sports” become segregated by “redlining and “ sign up fees”.   Why did the NFL use “racial norming” in order to pay less in damages to black players who were brain injured as a result of their play? 

    Modern-day slavery is alive and well, and somehow it has young kids across the country dreaming of being “good enough” to get drafted into it. Ex is still a cowboys fan, but this week we have a deeper understanding of the blood, sweat, and tears that go into competitive collegiate and professional sports.





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    1 時間 29 分
  • New Year... Who Dis?

    This is the time of year when many people resolve to get healthier, become more productive m and change habits.  

    In this episode, Anna and Ex explore how identifying the “why” behind it can make it easier to effect lasting change. We will share some changes we hope to make throughout the year and discuss accountability and checking in. Why a misstep isn’t an automatic failure and how you can put out the small fires rather than watching it all burn down. 

    This episode will be a great way to discover why routine out ways resolutions.

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    52 分
  • I Can't Believe it's Not Chrismahanukwanzakah

    Tis' the season… food, family, feuding, fertility. No matter what you're celebrating, we’ve got you covered. 

    In this episode, Anna and Ex take a look at various winter holidays and how they’re celebrated. Whether you’re decking the halls or airing your Festivus grievances, we’ve got a celebration for you. Tune in and discover why  Hannukah is not  Jewish Christmas and how you can bring the panopticon surveillance into your home doughnuts! 

    You’ll laugh, you’ll eat, you’ll learn a Latke!

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    1 時間 9 分