
  • 550: How to Regain Control of Your Life

    We’ve all had times when life feels overwhelming and nothing is going right. But here’s something I want you to remember: you’re not powerless in those situations. In fact, taking back control is easier than you might think, and it starts with a few small, yet powerful changes.

    In today’s episode, I’m excited to show you just how simple it can be to bounce back from whatever life throws at you. I’m going to walk you through the exact routine I use when it feels like things are falling apart. And the best part is, you can use these steps to improve your finances, relationships, or even your mental and physical health.

    By the end, you’ll not only feel calmer and more in charge, but you’ll also learn how to inspire those around you to do the same. So, you can be a shining example of resilience and leadership that others look up to and follow.


    • You're not actually out of control; you just feel that way
    • Focusing on what’s out of your control only makes you feel more powerless
    • You can’t control what you don’t prioritize
    • How you live your life gives other people permission to do the same unconsciously
    • Leadership opportunities are all around us, every day

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

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  • 549: The Shortcut to Self-Improvement

    Consider that the fastest way to improve any aspect of your life is to find someone who has already succeeded in that area and then model that person.

    With that in mind, which area(s) of your life do you want to improve, and whom are you modeling to accelerate your improvement?

    That’s what today’s episode is all about. You’ll learn why figuring out everything on your own is a long and unnecessary road to success. I’ll break down how you can draw from the experiences of others and skip the trial-and-error phase as a shortcut to self-improvement.

    I’ll also explain why I’ve been studying and modeling Jesus Christ (in a non-religious way) to hold myself to a higher moral standard. Even if you don’t consider yourself religious or spiritual, I hope you’ll stick with me as I continue sharing my journey of learning from others to help us all become better leaders, spread love, and stand for unity in an ever-increasing world of divisiveness.


    • How attending my longtime friend’s funeral inspired me to model his spirit
    • Why following in someone’s footsteps is the quickest path to success
    • Questions to consider whom you’re modeling right now
    • Why books are like having mentors on demand
    • You can plan all you want, but if you’re not putting it into practice and living what you learn, it’s just potential that’s going nowhere.

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

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  • 548: Reflecting on Religion & Spirituality

    Religion can be a very polarizing and even taboo topic. That’s why most people shy away from it at work, dinner parties, and family gatherings. But today, I want to challenge the notion that our differences define us and approach this sensitive topic from the perspective of unity. Regardless of whether you believe in a God or a divine force or are undecided about the existence of something greater, I believe the core thread that unites us all is a shared spirit that transcends those labels.

    In this episode, I’m sharing my journey with faith and spirituality and reflecting on the experiences that have shaped my understanding. It’s easy to conflate being religious with being spiritual, but there’s an important distinction there, and understanding it can open up a whole new perspective on what it means to seek something bigger than yourself.

    I’ll also explore the common values across various religious practices as they can be powerful tools for living a meaningful life, regardless of where you stand on the spiritual spectrum. My hope is to leave you with a fresh way of seeing the world, one that inspires hope and focuses less on the lines that separate us and more on the similarities that bring us together and help us build more empathy, connection, and respect in our everyday interactions.


    • The difference between religion and spirituality
    • Why Jesus is considered one of the most influential leaders of all time
    • Finding unity begins with recognizing shared values and goals
    • Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness, no matter what they believe
    • Human connection is more than just physical presence
    • Discovering the universal spirit that unites all religions

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

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  • 547: Reflecting On Death (Our Own and Our Loved Ones)

    A few days ago, I received the devastating news that one of my dearest and closest friends, John Ruhin, author of Gift-ology, had passed away at only 45 years old. John has been a very close friend for over 20 years, a father to 4 young girls (4-13), and a devoted husband.

    If you’ve ever lost someone dear to you, you know how profoundly shattering that moment is. But amidst the heartache, there’s an undeniable truth: while we cannot change the reality of loss, but we can (and must) choose how we respond to it.

    So, for today’s episode, I want to honor my friend and share 3 steps for coping with both your mortality and the inevitable loss of those you love. (In full transparency, I recorded this the day after I found out about John’s passing, so it was still very raw.)

    Accepting the reality and inevitability of death—our own and our loved ones—can be one of the hardest but most necessary steps in this process. It’s a truth we often avoid, but facing it head-on allows us to find peace and help others do the same.

    Then, we can live in a way that reflects their values, like the generosity John embodied, and we not only honor their memory but also enrich our own lives and the lives of those around us.


    • Death is as natural as birth
    • There’s no value in wishing the inevitable were different
    • The inevitability of death is certain, but the way we live our lives is our choice
    • The suffering we experience often comes from our resistance to accepting reality
    • Your beliefs and worldview deeply influence the quality of your life
    • The legacy you leave behind and the care you show to your loved ones are enduring acts of love
    • It’s better to feel than to suppress painful emotions

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

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  • 546: The Formula To Achieve Your #1 Goal

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed by having too many goals but not enough time to achieve them all? Been there, done that - taking on too much at once and failing to make meaningful progress in the areas of my life that matter most.

    And that is the reason why I’m sharing my three-step formula for achieving your goals. This process helped me become one of the top salespeople at Cutco, 10x my coaching business, sell millions of books, and take care of my body during cancer recovery. It’s a formula I still use to this day.

    I’ll also help you to identify your #1 most important goal and develop an action plan and daily routines to make it easier to achieve. Once you complete that goal, you’ll see how easy it is to apply this method to all your other goals. This way, the entire goal-achievement journey becomes less of a grind and actually becomes something you, and everyone around you, can enjoy.


    • Why we often avoid what we need the most
    • Clarity is the foundation of any transformation
    • Your level of success will rarely exceed the level of your personal development
    • Knowledge is useless without action
    • What you focus on expands the possibilities you encounter

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

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  • 545: Taking Your Personal Development to the Next Level with René Rodriguez

    Which aspects of your life do you most want/need to improve? Take a moment to think honestly about your answer...

    Whatever area of your life you’d like to improve, I’ve found few philosophies more accurate and effective than Jim Rohn’s: “Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development.” In other words, it’s who we become that determines our ability to create the life we want.

    And I’ve found this to be true in virtually every area of my life—finances, health, parenting, marriage, spirituality, mental and emotional well-being—you name it. That’s why I’m thrilled to introduce today’s guest, René Rodriguez.

    René is not only an expert in personal development and author of the WSJ best-seller Amplify Your Influence, but he is also one of the wisest and most effective communicators that I know. He has shared the stage with Tony Robbins, Ed Mylett, Gary Vaynerchuk, and many more.

    In today’s conversation, we discuss how to take your personal development to the next level so that you can take your success—in every area of your life—to the next level and beyond.


    • Why the answers to life are found in often overlooked cliches
    • Why your ability to influence yourself and others is crucial to success
    • The voice you use on your kids becomes their inner voice as adults
    • Reinforce the behaviors that lead to the goal, not the goal itself
    • True leaders are defined by the influence that remains even in their absence
    • The potential impact of AI on the future of personal development

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

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  • 544: Your Next Step Toward Financial Freedom with Dr. Noah St. John

    How much simpler would life be if we could just speak our biggest hopes and dreams into existence? Obviously, life isn’t that simple. You’ve heard me talk about affirmations over the years, but today, we’re talking about the difference between affirmations and afformations, and the difference is more than a vowel.

    Dr. Noah St. John is an author and international keynote speaker. He is also known as a breakthrough coach and the “Father of Afformations.” He’s helped over 2 million people worldwide, and his clients have added over $3 billion in sales by following his legendary methods. Today, he talks about why affirmations often fall flat and guides us through his innovative “Afformations” to help us create lasting change, whether in love, fitness, health, or business.

    We also discuss how focusing on external achievements often blocks people, especially entrepreneurs, from reaching higher levels of personal development and wealth. He shares practical steps to help anyone master their “inner game” to overcome self-doubt, attract abundance, and achieve all their wildest ambitions.

    P.S. You can receive Noah's latest book for free by visiting: 7FigureExpertBook. (Just cover S&H costs)


    • Our biggest breakthroughs often come in moments of silence
    • The smarter alternative to affirmations
    • Master your inner game to win the outer game
    • You have the power to create breakthroughs - your gurus won’t do it for you
    • The right questions lead to the right answers
    • A life dedicated to serving others often paves the way to building wealth

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

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  • 543: How to Integrate Miracle Mornings to Transform Your Workplace with Eric Stranghoener

    For many people, the typical workweek can be a grind, often feeling like a never-ending cycle of long hours and repetitive tasks. But what if there was a way to transform the office into a place of inspiring energy and creativity? Where there's a will, there's a way, and that's what today's episode is all about.

    Eric Stranghoener, Partner at RubinBrown—one of the nation’s leading CPA firms—is here to explain how integrating The Miracle Morning into their corporate culture has turned the company into an extraordinary personal and professional development platform and how you can do the same for your workplace. Their first Miracle Morning "huddle" was joined by over 200 employees and has since become an integral part of dozens of employees' personal and work growth.

    You'll also hear Eric describe how The Miracle Morning goes beyond the office walls and seeps into daily life. Eric shares why it's one of his company's best decisions and reveals how you can follow their lead - to become a leader at home, work, or in your community and “Be Your Best for Others.”


    • Instead of chasing happiness, try living with a mindset of joy
    • The more we focus on others, the more we invite joy and fulfillment in our lives
    • Shift from thinking “I have to” to “I get to”
    • Happiness is a verb, and you can choose to experience it
    • Don’t let inaction hold you back from your dreams
    • Why leadership opportunities are all around us
    • The importance of work culture for an employee’s well-being and success

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