
  • It's time you start MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS - As an adult.

    There's few things I think we all need to start minding as young adults so here's 5 of them.

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    16 分
  • Self care as an adult? Lowkey not doing it right.

    Hi adults ! When was the last time you took some time out for your self? When was the last time you had a really good skin care and some good wine? In this episode we discuss what is self care and what are some ways we can really take care of our selves as young adults. Thanks for listening !

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    21 分
  • Lowkey - Need a vacation l Why Travel?

    If you're looking for a sign to travel, this is it. Go book that plane ticket!  Go plan that road trip! You deserve it. You've accomplished so much and worked so hard so Go Travel. In today's episode Dr.Adams discuss the importance of traveling and his personal travel experience as a young adult.

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    18 分
  • Signs that we're - Lowkey Growing Up

    You know there's those small icks or things that we as young adults are suddenly doing or suddenly finding interesting to do ? Which now makes us realize that we are becoming the adults that we always wanted to become. But now it scares us. This episode , we discuss , How do we know we are lowkey growing up.

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    24 分
  • Lowkey - Adult Introduction & 2023 Life tips.

    Hello guys ! Welcome to Adams Apple ! On this  episode , you'll get to know a bit about me as well as some life hacks and tips I've learnt in 2022 that I'm sure will help you become a better version of yourself. I'm super excited to have you here and I can't wait to share my thoughts on adulting with you. Thanks for listening! 

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    14 分