Welcome back! Amino Acids, Part 2 CAT-E-KOL-A-MEENS - I pronounced that incorrectly in the last episode. I thought the ending was pronounced MEEN versus MINE but I doubted myself and checked a dictionary which mislead me! I’m getting it right… eventually! That’s the goal, yes?
If you are listening to this out of order, I am relaying some amazing information I came across in three books written by Julia Ross. A clinical psychologist that has been practicing since the 70’s in the U.S. with particular focus on nutrition deficient problems of people with addiction and food issues. One book in particular, I am citing here often, is the Mood Cure, 2012 edition. In the book and in real life, we must emphasize that being supervised by a good functional medical practitioner is necessary for safe and optimal results.
Back to the catecholamines. What difference could they make in your life? Well, are you the kind of person that never seems to get enough sleep? You have trouble dragging yourself out of bed. You have problems with energy, with the ability to focus, not to mention follow through to get things done? When you read, you find yourself rereading paragraphs because your brain wanders. Your CAT levels maybe too low… Are you are accused of being “apathethic” – that NOT pathetic, but lacking in any enthusiasm while others seem so stoked about the same thing… You are perpetually exhausted and seem to becoming more of an introvert? Avoiding social gatherings larger than 2 people, and your one of them? Or perhaps you were always an introvert and wondered, why me? Why can’t I go out and schmooze and make small talk, like my friends? In her book, Julia Ross believes that the extent to which you are extroverted or introverted likely depends on how much catecholamine activity your brain is producing. That means a change in your biochemistry, can result in a chattier, more outgoing you!
Intrigued? What’s is a CATECHOLAMINE exactly? Catecholamines, or as Julia Ross refers to them, simply as the “CATS” – is a family of vitalizing brain chemicals led by DOPAMINE (the parent of the other CAT’s), NOREPINEPHRINE and ADRENALINE. Most of us have heard of adrenaline – the fight or flight chemical that helps us spare out life in the face of danger – either real, or perceived. They are actually, all part of a defence mechanism designed to make you alert, sharp and focused for the immediate challenge ahead – mentally, physically and emotionally.
Check out Dr Julia Ross’s website: https://www.juliarosscures.com
Where you can take a mood test to see which of the four mood regulators you need help with! Or book an online virtual clinic appointment!
For more in depth information, please see all three books written by Dr. Julia Ross – all available wherever you buy books like Amazon
Ross, Julia. The Mood Cure. 2002. Penquin Books, New York, New York
Ross, Julia. The Cravings Cure. 2017. Flatiron Books, New York, New York
Ross, Julia: The Diet Cure. 2012. Penguin Books, New York, New York