
  • 026. Uncovering the Power of New Earth Relationships: Resonance, Purpose, and Growth

    In this episode, we discuss new earth relationships and how they serve as catalysts for personal growth. We explore the shift from the old paradigm of relationships to the new paradigm, where partnerships are based on resonance, shared values, and purpose.

    We share our experience of creating this podcast, even though we’d never met in person before and had only ever had two face to face interactions online. Through this example we highlight the power of doing the inner work and following your intuition as it pertains to people and relationships in our lives.

    We discuss how each relationship we enter is a mirror for our strengths and our shadow, and an opportunity for us to heal and grow. And that new earth relationships based on respect, appreciation and mutual growth are powerful catalysts for stepping into being our authentic selves.

    Finally we discuss the power of community and finding soul connections, even if they are not physically present.

    • Relationships are a catalyst for personal growth and can help us see our shadow and strengths.
    • The old paradigm of relationships was based on power dynamics, while the new paradigm is about resonance and shared purpose.
    • Finding the right partnerships and valuing each other's strengths is key to personal and collective growth.
    • Collaboration allows us to express ourselves authentically and create a platform for others to do the same.
    • Knowing our own designs and honoring them can help us find the right partnerships and navigate collaborations.Doing the inner work and following your intuition can attract aligned relationships.
    • Relationships can be easy and transformative when both parties are committed to mutual growth and respect.
    • Community and soul connections can be found even if they are not physically present
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    1 時間 4 分
  • 025. Escaping the Cult - Isabella Young's Journey to Healing and Empowerment

    Isabella Young shares her experience of being part of a cult and the tragic loss of her son. She discusses her journey of healing and self-discovery, as well as the parallels between her experience and the global enslavement of humanity. Isabella emphasizes the importance of discernment and self-love in avoiding manipulative and abusive situations. She also highlights the role of nature and sacred plant medicines in deepening her relationship with herself and with God. Isabella believes that she chose and created her experiences and sees them as part of her soul's evolutionary journey. She discusses the tactics used by cults and how they are being used on a larger scale to manipulate and control humanity. She emphasizes the power of each individual to create change and the need for spiritual communities that are egalitarian and focused on growth and connection.

    • Cult experiences can happen in various contexts, including religions, multi-level marketing, politics, and even families.
    • Discernment and self-love are crucial in avoiding manipulative and abusive situations.
    • Connecting with nature and using sacred plant medicines can deepen one's relationship with oneself and with God.
    • Experiences, even traumatic ones, can be seen as part of a soul's evolutionary journey.
    • Cult tactics are being used on a larger scale to manipulate and control humanity.
    • Grounding and reconnecting with nature are essential for healing and empowerment.
    • Each individual has the power to create change and contribute to the evolution of humanity.
    • Spiritual communities should be egalitarian and focused on growth and connection.
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    1 時間 4 分
  • 024. Breaking Free from Big Pharma: Katie Hill's Awakening Path to Wellness

    Joining us today is Katie Hill who shares with us her awakening journey through the lens of health and the healthcare system.

    Katie’s story of seeking medical treatment after becoming sick exposed to her the reality of the modern day healthcare system in the US. She experienced first hand the effects of medication aimed at “healing” her symptoms, and how these simply led to a further decline in her health and a rise in new and alarming symptoms to which she was simply offered more medication.

    As things worsened and doctors eventually prescribed her Xanax, she decided to take her health into her own hands and seek out other solutions.

    It was then that she was recommended a naturopath and began her journey to understanding that we are able to heal by addressing the root cause of our physical symptoms through addressing our lifestyle, stress, healing trauma and being with our emotions.

    In this conversation, we discuss the importance of taking back our power and agency when it comes to our health. We discuss exploring a more holistic approach to healthcare and our well-being that considers the whole person and addresses the root causes of health issues.

    Katie’s journey with holistic healthcare providers has aligned her to her purpose work, helping healers create online businesses to reach more and more people. She has also created a platform for people to recommend practitioners they’ve worked with, providing greater access and visibility to those helping us to truly heal and become healthy, whole human beings.

    • The conventional healthcare system lacks personalized care and focuses on treating symptoms rather than addressing root causes.
    • Holistic health approaches can provide a more comprehensive and empowering approach to healing.
    • Take back your power and agency when it comes to your health. Don't blindly follow the instructions of doctors or other healthcare practitioners.
    • Embrace a holistic approach to healthcare that considers the whole person and addresses the root causes of health issues.
    • Recognize the role of trauma and emotional well-being in physical health. Healing is not just about treating symptoms, but also addressing underlying emotional issues.
    • Practice self-love and self-care as part of your healing journey. Take the time to explore and understand your own needs and desires.
    • Seek out practitioners and resources that align with your values and empower you on your healing journey.
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    1 時間 3 分
  • 023. Ascension and Awareness - Understanding Low Vibrational Patterns & Their Role In Awakening

    In this episode, Kate and Amanda dive deep into the concepts of ascension and consciousness, exploring how raising one's frequency and vibration can transform our lives. They discuss how consciousness is not just about awareness but also the ability to choose our experiences. Together, they emphasize the importance of recognizing and working through lower vibrational patterns within ourselves as a pathway to growth and transformation. The conversation also touches on spiritual bypassing and the necessity of holding space for our shadow aspects, offering insights on how our external environment influences our consciousness and the role of meditation in enhancing our focus and awareness.

    Kate and Amanda also highlight the impact of our environment and the media we consume on our consciousness and well-being, urging you to be mindful of fear-based programming that can lower our vibration. They discuss the power of meditation in raising our frequency and the importance of physical well-being in supporting this process. The episode concludes with a broader perspective on planetary ascension, encouraging us to embrace change and choose a new way of living that aligns with higher consciousness and personal growth.

    • Ascension is the process of raising one's frequency and vibration, while consciousness refers to our awareness and ability to choose our experiences.
    • Becoming aware of and working with lower vibrational patterns and behaviors within ourselves is essential for growth and transformation.
    • It is important to hold space for our shadow parts and not bypass or ignore them.
    • Our consciousness is influenced by our external environment, but we have the power to choose where we direct our focus.
    • Meditation is a powerful tool for strengthening our awareness and ability to choose our thoughts and experiences. Our environment and the media we consume can impact our consciousness and well-being.
    • Being aware of low vibrational, fear-based programming is important for our health and prosperity.
    • Meditation is a powerful tool for raising our vibration and frequency.
    • Taking care of our physical bodies is essential for our overall well-being.
    • Embracing change and choosing a new way of living is crucial for personal and planetary ascension.
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    1 時間 17 分
  • 022. Fascia, Faith, and Freedom: The Tools That Transformed SaraMae’s Life After Her Near-Death Experience

    Today we have SaraMae Hollandsworth returning to share the valuable and hard earned lessons of her 10 year healing journey. SaraMae was a guest on the podcast several weeks ago, episode 17, and she shared with us the incredible story of her life and the near death experience that cost her both of her legs.

    As a competitive athlete and personal trainer, this was an incredible loss physically as well as losing part of her identity. Today SaraMae shares with us the inspirational journey of healing that she has been on physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually since then.

    Throughout today’s episode, SaraMae shares her ‘cheat codes’ for healing; her hard earned wisdom that she is now able to piece together as she looks back on her path today. These include trust and surrender. Trusting that our lives have fully prepared us for any hardships we may face, and that all of the answers are within us.

    SaraMae also shares with us the many healing modalities she has benefited from while navigating her path to a new life, healing trauma stored in her body as well as what it takes to heal our ancestral lines.

    She shares how our issues are in our tissues, and that the body truly keeps the scores when we choose to distract and run from facing our emotions or inner battles. She shares how fascia stretch therapy has been a transformative tool in her healing journey to help regulate her nervous system, feel more embodied and open to life and what presents on the path of growth.

    Another inspirational conversation with SaraMae Hollandsworth.

    • Healing is an ongoing journey that requires trust and going within to find guidance and answers.
    • Listening to the body and being aware of its signals is crucial for healing.
    • EMDR therapy can be profoundly pivotal in releasing trauma and overcoming nightmares.
    • Fascia stretching therapy helps access and release stored emotions and trauma in the body.
    • The body holds the score of our experiences and plays a significant role in the healing process.
    • Surrendering and trusting the process are key in the healing journey.
    • Exploring alternative modalities can provide new insights and accelerate healing.
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    1 時間 13 分
  • 021. Stepping Outside Societal Norms - Embracing Our Power as Reality Creators

    In this episode, we discuss the concept of creating your own reality and how it requires you to align with your deepest truths and values. We'll share personal experiences of choosing a different reality, like moving to a new country and leaving behind societal expectations. We emphasize the importance of being aware of your environment and the people around you, as they can either support or hinder your ability to create your own reality.

    We'll also talk about the limitations of societal norms and the need for more individuals to think outside the box and explore new possibilities. Ultimately, we believe that choosing your own reality leads to personal growth, fulfillment, and a positive shift in collective consciousness.

    In this conversation, we'll delve into the power of creating your own reality and the importance of conscious choice. You'll discover that you're not a victim of circumstance, but rather a creator of your experiences. We'll share personal stories and examples of how we've shifted our perspectives and made choices that have led to positive changes in our lives.

    We'll emphasize the need to question limiting beliefs, be present in the moment, and take small steps toward creating the reality you desire. We also encourage you to provide feedback and share your own experiences.

    • Creating our own reality involves stepping outside societal norms and choosing a different path.
    • Aligning with our authentic selves and living according to our values is essential in creating our own reality.
    • We can be way-showers and examples for others by choosing a different way of living.
    • Taking responsibility for creating our own reality leads to personal and spiritual growth.
    • Choice is a powerful tool in shaping our reality and we have the potential to create a life that is meaningful and fulfilling. We have the power to create our own reality by making conscious choices.
    • It is important to be aware of our environment, the media we consume, and the people we surround ourselves with.
    • Asking questions and setting intentions can help us shift our perspective and open up new possibilities.
    • Taking small steps towards our desired reality can create momentum and lead to significant change.
    • We need to challenge our limiting beliefs and societal norms to live a life aligned with our truth and values.
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    1 時間 16 分
  • 020. Inner Child Healing with the Akashic Records - A Journey to Wholeness

    In this enlightening episode, Amanda interviews Kate about her experience and insights as a spiritual guide and experienced reader of the Akashic Records. Amanda shares her personal journey into the Akashic Records, which she explored on her own prior to the interview, uncovering a deep-seated tendency to doubt her own success.

    Together, Amanda and Kate delve into the healing potential of the Akashic Records, particularly in addressing inner child wounds and releasing past traumas that hinder personal growth. Kate explains that the Akashic Records are a vast energetic library of our soul's experiences, offering timely and relevant guidance that aligns individuals with their true purpose and aids in their spiritual and personal transformation.

    Amanda and Kate also discuss the practical aspects of working with the Akashic Records, emphasizing the importance of quieting the mind and trusting the insights that emerge. They highlight how intuition plays a crucial role in navigating the records and how raising one's vibration and living in alignment with one's true self can lead to profound shifts and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

    This episode serves as a powerful testament to the transformative potential of the Akashic Records, offering you valuable insights into self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

    • The Akashic records are the energetic record of the soul, containing all past and potential future experiences.
    • Accessing the Akashic records can provide timely and relevant information to guide one's journey.
    • Asking the right questions and interpreting the guidance received is essential in utilizing the information from the records.
    • Intuitive knowing and validation from external sources can support and empower one's own intuitive guidance.
    • Healing and awakening journeys involve understanding and integrating past traumas and reclaiming one's power to make choices. The Akashic Records contain information about past lives, soul contracts, and life lessons.
    • Crafting meaningful questions is important when accessing the Akashic Records.
    • The Akashic Records can be used for inner child healing and connecting with one's purpose.
    • Accessing the subconscious through the Akashic Records can lead to transformation and raising one's vibration.
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    1 時間 18 分
  • 019. The Pain and Power of Kundalini: Ambha’s Intense Spiritual Journey

    Ambha Roberts shares her journey with a Kundalini awakening, a powerful and transformative spiritual experience that had a profound impact on her life.

    Ambha was fortunate enough to be on a spiritual path throughout her life which in some ways prepared her for the several stages of awakening that take place before a kundalini awakening. She shares with us what those stages are, how they happen, and more about what exactly kundalini energy is.

    Ambha then shares the incredible experience that took place as the kundalini energy activated within her body and she entered a state of feeling tethered to the earth, the furthest reaches of the cosmos and all of life.

    While this sounds like a beautiful experience to have, which Ambha says it was, what had awakened within her became a destructive and destabilizing force in her life as she now lived between realities with intense energies running through her physical body.

    Throughout this episode Ambha emphasizes the importance of finding authentic teachers to guide you after a kundalini awakening to help you work with the energy moving through you and support you with the work needed to help you return to “normal” life.

    Ambha’s experience is a more uncommon form of awakening but unique and special in its own right as Ambha has seen the divine energy that flows through all of life and felt herself as that. Ambha shares with us the many fascinating insights into the true nature of reality that she’s learned through experience and many others she has had.

    • Kundalini awakening is a powerful and transformative spiritual experience that involves the uncoiling and movement of the life force energy up the central channel of the body.
    • The preliminary experience of pranotthana prepares the energy body for the Kundalini awakening and involves clearing emotional and mental blockages.
    • A Kundalini awakening is not just a mental or spiritual experience, but a physical one that impacts the entire being, including the nervous system and senses.
    • During a Kundalini awakening, individuals may experience altered states of consciousness, time distortion, and heightened sensitivity.
    • Integration and grounding are essential aspects of the Kundalini awakening process to bring the energy into balance and harmony with daily life. Kundalini awakenings can be intense and transformative experiences that deeply impact all aspects of life.
    • Finding authentic teachers and a supportive environment is crucial for navigating the challenges of integrating the awakened energies.
    • Rebuilding and purifying the physical and energetic bodies is an ongoing process in order to hold and integrate the awakened energies.
    • Grounding practices, such as connecting with nature and creating a nurturing environment, can support the integration process.
    • Kundalini awakenings are unique to each individual and may involve a wide range of experiences and sensations.
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    1 時間 13 分