
  • Episode #24 Solocast: Planet Earth's Return to Unity Consciousness

    In this episode I go back into the big differences of the fibonacci spiral and the crystalline spiral and how the crystaline spiral will replace the fibonacci as planet Earth's crystalline grid comes on line and she returns to unity consciousness.

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    55 分
  • Episode #23: Embassador of the Immaculate Heart, Karyna SHha

    In this episode I just go into free flow conversation with Kary na. We didn’t even know that this was going to be the podcast, but we had a spirited conversation in which I learned that she was born awake in many ways. She describes also her 3 near death experiences which brought both gifts and challenges but mostly joy. She had a very supportive mother and father to nurture her very awake soul. She talks about her strong connection to water and the well that was on her land. She explains how she would talk to the water and fly over the land and attend her nightly “school” in the other realms. In the style of Emma in “The Last Mimzy”she would hover just above the ground as she skipped home from school, but nobody noticed! She talks about how her main guide kept her going through difficult times. She talks about the origins of her teachings coming from Quetzalcoatl. I talk about twin flame activation to map our inner communion and the divine blueprint. I describe my journey as a veil lifter and the undoing of the external Merkabah back into the internal Merkabah and the gift of my shaman in this whole process. I go quite a bit into my journey with 9-11 and ascension plan B. Karyna talks about her divine mother meditation in the United Nations Building, beaming the divine mother frequency through all of the satelites on veterans day 2014. We take some sweet time to share sacred sound and Karyna reads her sacred credo. And at 45 minutes in we do some sounding together, and at 51 minutes, Karyna reads her sacred credo. It is such a blessing! Links:

    Website: https://www.karynashha.com/

    Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/karynalove

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karynashha/

    Facebook Page (KA’ryna SH’ha Spiritual Arts): https://www.facebook.com/karynabless

    Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmrDd-52uEjbgQCwBSehGwA?view_as=public

    Soundcloud Music: https://soundcloud.com/karyna-shha

    #soundoflight #rosecodes #sophia #creationoflife #claircognizance #psychicknowing #premonitions #groupsong #harmonicjoy

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    1 時間 9 分
  • Episode #22: The End of External Sourcing and The Return to Self
    In this segment, I discuss how we must return to our internal self sourcing in order to accommodate the higher evolution. There are 2 major errors in my wording. See if you can find them. #coreshame #toxicgreed #Donaldtrump #donaldtrumpgenekeys #genekey53 #sexualpromiscuity #fibonacci #christconscious #egocontamination #genetationaltrauma #thepressuretobecomesomeone #external gratification #highspinstateatom #proteinsynthesis #love #unity #tribalbelonging #handlessmaiden #pathofveillifter #blessedbymisfortune #egocorrectionalschool
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    1 時間 11 分
  • Episode #21: Remembering Your Spark with Rebecca Portner

    I filmed this episode live in Norwalk, California with one of my oldest and dearest friends, Rebecca Portner. We talked about living with the disability of Cerebral Palsey and the cultivation of the inner light through simply remembering to appreciate and give gratitude for the simplest things in each moment. As always, her light shines bright and we can feel the beauty that has been cultivated in her shining heart. Rebecca is a licensed Clinical Social Worker and a wonderful writer through her blog, Tenacious Light. You can read her blog at http://www.tenaciouslight.com

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    44 分
  • Episode #20: Wanderer from the Earth and Stars, Dante Starshine

    In this spirited interview with yogi, channel, author and world traveler, Dante Starshine, we have a fine time discussing Dante's diverse and rich journey that led him to open to channel the Pleiadian Council. We talk about his time in Guatemala at Lake Atitlan where he was initiated into plant spirit medicine, his love for cacao and his work with shamans and healers. He also treats Sarah to a couple of answers to her questions when he brings in the Pleiadian council. Dante is available for channeling sessions and Holistic guidance. You can find him at http://www.dantestarshine.com and on instagram at @dantestarshine and on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/@blissbeings

    His book is available here https://www.amazon.com/Guidebook-Living-Love-Earth-Channeled-ebook/dp/B0B3HKB3WT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=NOOZYNQNZLF6&keywords=dante+starshine&qid=1696118510&sprefix=dante+starshine%2Caps%2C381&sr=8-1

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    55 分
  • Episode #19: Reclaiming our Sacred Womb Wisdom with MaryAnn Illing

    In this episode Mary Ann gives us an introduction to the womb wisdom work she does with women or womban. We talk about the sacredness of the womb blood and the healing experience of the Red Tent groups as well as the components of her empowerment work with women. It was a joy to talk with her. I was drawn to be in a red rose flower garden, and it was fun how we dove right into the womb and the beauty of this work. #womb #redtent #healingthewomb #wombwisdom

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    1 時間 8 分
  • Episode #18: Embodying the Sacred Breath with Sharon Ann Rose

    In this episode Sharon and I really went deep into the breath to take us into the now moment and really speak from our hearts. It was deeply healing to spend this time together. We each shared a centering song and shared what was alive for us in the moment. I hope this episode is as soothing for you as it was for me to be in this deep and sacred presence. More about Sharon: Sharon Ann Rose is a Wise Woman, Hypnotist, Ceremonialist, Author and Priestess of Feminine Alchemy. She has worked with women and in communities, stepping into the deepest waters of our being, to embrace how to flow with the current into self-care, community connection and love.Sharon is a gifted facilitator who generously provides rich reflection and impeccable care for coming into intimate humane relationship with ourselves and with the hardest edges of our lives. She is known as the Queen of the Fallow.Through her 20+ years of working in the field of Feminine Wisdom, Sharon has created a transformational body of work to support women reclaiming living grace. Her signature practice of, The Wombing Experience™ is a feminine-based container that supports our bodies to feel what life is like as we are truly held, embraced, safe and supported.Sharon is the author of Faces of the Mother... a journey, a collaboration, a feminine restoration, co-author of Women Living on Purpose and She Is... unleashing Divine Feminine Power.Learn more about her heart and work @ www.sharonannrose.com

    Contact me at http://www.sarahhopeadams.com and sarahsparkle65@gmail.com

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    1 時間 2 分
  • Episode #17: Alisha Young Hall, "Surrendering the Old to Birth the Divine Blueprint"

    Alisha is a wold bridging galactic activation portal whose story is the story of one who leaves the normal progressive western society of capitalism and is born again through the jungle of Costa Rica and her twin flame, Eduardo. Through her near death experience, she was delivered into the rapture beyond egoic pain body identification.

    The 2 of us share at such a deep level and cover many topics: the healing of Money, the definition of true prosperity in giving and receiving, letting money flow through our hands, We weave elements of the gene keys and the Mayan calendar into the Earth's Ascension journey, speaking of the fortress of intellect to distance us from trauma, the great process of divine embodiment and its relationship to the process of Epiphany through gene key 43 and the seven seals. We Talk about the dense alchemy of spiritual evolution in this time of final conflict awake amid the light and the dark. Alisha, through her near death experience is a progenitor of the embodiment of the diamond sun blueprint. We talk about difference between my mission and hers: the veil lifters born in1965 and her as a diamond sun embodierr who has transcended duality and pain body.

    Alisha's death of her old self has enabled her to live as heaven on Earth. We talk about the origins of gold and the practice of ancient alchemy and how it relates to our breakthrough evolution to the higher levels of consciousness and our collective human destiny of ascension. We culminate our interview holding great optimism for the coming reunion and celebration as more and more soul groups unite to activate the blossoming of unity consciousness for the whole Earth. Find Alisha Young Hall on FB to schedule a session and or see what she is up to! Schedule a session with me at http://sarahadamshealing.as.me

    Find more about Gene Keys at http://www.genekeys.com

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    1 時間 48 分