Wojciech & Łukasz discuss the benefits, implementation tips, and potential pitfalls of normalising app state in your React Native mobile app ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
This podcast is sponsored by Brains & Beards, a development studio dedicated to helping companies create better mobile applications faster. If you want to support us, there are two things you can do:
- If you have a colleague or a friend that needs help on mobile app dev side, send them to brainsandbeards.com to check if we can help and get in touch
- If you, or a friend, is looking for a new job, why don't you reach out. We're looking for engineers interested in working on cross-platform mobile apps (usually in React Native or Flutter) who are also comfortable with native mobile app development
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Peace ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
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