Episode originally aired on Patreon 5/5/2024 -- fresh content every week on patreon.com/realeyesradio
In this rare weekend recording Rambo conjures the digital ghosts of social media's past and blows HV's mind in the process, Zuckerberg debuts his most human-like form yet, voyeurism leads to a void of self, and we appreciate the days before becoming our own Big Brother.
DeepFake Elvis gyrates past the gates, foul language flies freely as Rambo finds himself activated, and HV daydreams in technicolor while shooting laser beams out of her eyeballs.
And no episode would be complete without a reminder that the 'revelations' are just as controlled as the demolitions.
HV @humanvibration @humanvibration_insta
Rambo @Seekthetruth101 @rambo_seekthetruth101
Music by the one and only AYZ @Ayz