The Tales of a First-Time Dad... Brought to you by recent first-time father Matty Orme, delving into my life becoming a parent for the first time, the things I learned along the way, and things I wish I knew sooner. A complete comprehensive account of someone experiencing Dad's life for the first time. Episode 005 features our very first special guest, and this time joining us is my wife and mother to my amazing son Sophie!
Soph talks all about her labour journey, advice for expecting mums and the whole journey into parenthood!
We also discuss Baby Sensory, and just how much we would recommend this to all new parents to help aid in your little one's development!
https://linktr.ee/talesofafirsttimedad 📲Follow The Podcast: 🔴 Instagram - @firsttimedadpodcast 🔵 TikTok - @talesofafirsttimedad
💻 Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgjyIrU1x-DBkRTv-iKXIFA