
  • Part -- 5 Hindrances to the Holy Spirit!
    First,, we discuss how our own actions can keep us from developing a continuous relationship with the Holy Spirit. Then we examine what types of toxic exposures may be hindering us from that relationship; and finally, we talk about how to remove or rebuke evil or demonic forces from our lives; sometimes called deliverance. We must learn what is sinful and wicked and keep it far from our lives, homes, and workplaces and actively remove these evil and demonic forces through prayer and fasting; and most importantly by receiving the Holy Spirit.
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    1 時間 55 分
  • Part -- 3 The work of the Holy Spirit; and Part -- 4 The power from the Holy Spirit.
    As the Day of the Most High grows nearer, we admit and acknowledge that we need help to endure the end times and become overcomers throughout these trecherous days. Therefore this episode allows us to review key concepts of the need for, and the importance of the role of Holy Spirit, in our lives. We also learn how the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit flourish and manifests in the saints of the Most High. Further, in Part 4, we study the power and blessings of the Holy Sprit.
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    1 時間 53 分
  • Part 2 -- The indwelling of the Holy Spirit: A Must for the End Times!
    We continue are study of the importance of the Holy Spirit and in this episopde we explore the neccessity and importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit especially for our own readiness in these last days; but also in our obedience as we share our testimony and witness to others. This study covers the supernatural power and influence of the Holy Trinity and the importance of relying on them to order our steps, speech and conduct.
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    2 時間
  • Receive the Power of the Holy Spirit -- Part 1
    Part 1 -- Knowing the Holy Spirit, who and what he is; what is his role within the Holy Trinity. What is the Holy Spirit to the body of true believers and to the individual believers? How does the Holy Spirit make his presence know to the believer?
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    1 時間 40 分
  • Receive the Holy Ghost Power!
    This episode is just the introduction to a five part series. During the next five episodes we will study the Holy Spirit and power to be recevied on Pentecost and beyond. Part 1-- Knowing the Holy Spirit; Part 2 -- Indwelling of the Holy Spirit; Part 3 -- Work and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit; Part 4 -- Blessings and Power from the Most High; Part 5 -- Hinderances to the Holy Spirit and Deliverance from Demonic forces.
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    1 時間 22 分
  • Part - 3-- Beginning the Holy New Year on the good foot and staying there!!
    What is in Your Hand? How are you living with the knowledge and possessions you already have? Are you using what you have in the best possible manner; your mind, your skills, your things? The Lord says use what is in your hand. In HIs hands your little becomes much!!
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    1 時間 25 分
  • Part -2: Beginning the Biblical Year on the good foot and staying on the good foot!
    Ignorance, indifference , deception and idolatry all these characteristics are ever increasing. The foremost warning from The Messiah was about deception. But how can we live in preparation for and in hope of the rapture; what ought we be focused upon?
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    1 時間 10 分
  • Part -1: Begin the Holy year on the good foot!! Ignorance and Indifference.
    This study discusses the difference between not knowing and being unwilling to know, learn or understand the Holy Scriptures, precepts and guidance from The Most High God.
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    1 時間 11 分