
  • Getting Older and Fighting Depression

    None of us are getting any younger. NOPE can't stop it. What do we do when we are thinking more about the years behind us than the ones in front of us? GIVE GIVE GIVE..that is what we do. We continue to give the universe the one gift NO ONE ELSE has...ourselves!

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    9 分
  • If I Had More Time...What About You?

    We only have so much time but we have plenty.  What we do with it is up to us.  How are you going to spend the rest of your time..today, tomorrow, the next moment.   No time for asking.  GET GOING!!

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    9 分
  • What do you want to be? Still asking? 2023

    This is about answering the question yourself. You need not look to anyone other than what is in your heart and on your mind. What are you destined to do with your life?  Maybe you are like me...still asking but I am on my way to coming to terms with who I am, and I started the journey.  Have you started?

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    6 分
  • Numbing Out - What happens when we Neglect?

    We can learn about what happens with neglect just by observing Mother Earth.  We do not have time to neglect Her nor ourselves!  Who has time for numbing out? We have a life to live….get your life! Get busy living, live in the calm and smile as much as you can.

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    10 分
  • Meditation Session - Joy and Happiness

    This is the time to take a moment to BE in the moment.  Join me for this quick meditation session and a word from Thich Nat Hanh.  Namaste.

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    8 分
  • Was Buddha WOKE?

    Buddha believes that we are as sentient beings are here to suffer.  But he also believes we are to notice it and with it identify with compassion and love as the foundation for being a whole being.  Buddhism promotes alleviating suffering as an individual and for fellow mankind.  Hmmm...what does that mean for being a social activist today?  

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    8 分
  • Which came first - Learning and Mistakes

    We are all nothing more than a product of our mistakes! Should give you joy you are not alone. 

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    10 分
  • Wisdom over Want

    What happens to a 13 yr old urban city boy once school is out?  What is he thinking and how does he make the next choice in his life?  Does he have the resources available to him to do so?  How do any of us manage hard choices.....wisdom is imperative...WISDOM over DESIRE.  

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    12 分