
  • 06/17/2021 The Mark of The Empire & The Transformed Human - Last Call---

    June 25th is the day the US supposedly will release UFO information which, it is being said, neither proves or disproves the existence of extra-terrestrials or that they are visiting the earth. I believe it is possible the New World Order will use its considerable holographic technology to make it appear Jesus is coming through the clouds on His white horse. The effect of Jesus coming through the clouds in the sky, though, will be to deceive Christians. They will think they’ve missed the rapture and will then flock to Jerusalem, all vaccinated and marked by the beast, to convert to Noahidism under the Jewish Antichrist. Israel taking Temple Mount, the introduction of a Nephilim Antichrist, UFOs and Jesus riding on a white horse through the clouds in the sky, earthquakes and other natural disasters, more pestilence, famines and economic collapses. That’s what’s coming. And then worldwide war, as well.

    The point of the release of this information is not for the purpose of proving or disproving the existence of aliens in the skies. Nope. It is for setting up the scenario of people witnessing Jesus ride through the clouds on his white horse and other misunderstood and twisted visual phenomena from scripture.

    The 3 united Abrahamic religions can then stand together to welcome the demons posing as aliens when they arrive. Barack Obama had something to say about the release of the UFO information in an interview on June 9th. He claimed that concrete proof of extraterrestrial life would not change any of his beliefs but would probably lead to the creation of “new religions.”

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  • 06/11/2021 Changes In Israel & The March Of The Vaxxport Mandates

    Developments in the Judeo horn of the Judeo-Christian beast are changing Israel’s course. Or are they? I’ll examine that. On the COVID front, I’ll continue tracking the progress toward the slave branding of the global population with the mark of the beast.

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  • 05/27/21 China’s Bioweapon: Who Is Targeted For Death? And What Will The US Do With All Those Bodies? (Hint: Soylent Green Is Here)

    The Globalists love the color green. All this green-ness has led to a green revolution with a green mark which marks those who are in agreement with the green revolution, the “Great reseters’ “Great Reset’. Their global United Nations empire has a green frog as its symbol for pushing its green agenda; China’s Maoist dragon government is the UN’s government of choice which has the frog as its symbol; and Bill Gates is the ever friendly “Kermit” of the now grown Muppets generation. It’s going to turn out that “green” will take on an entirely different connotation for the earth’s population. “Green” will become the new “red” – blood.

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  • 05/21/2021 The Beast’s Next Innovation: Control of Its New Population – the Lucifer Race

    Now, let’s take a look at where the world is headed and how this end times situation is rolling out against our expectations.

    A new report titled, COVID-19: Make it the Last Pandemic and published by the United Nations on its latest World Health Organization website, insinuating that the covid19 plandemic would have been prevented had the UN – and specifically the World Health Organizaion – been given more global authority. Authority over all nations’ health systems and the global banking system.

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  • 04/30/2021 Do You Really Want To Know Just How Dangerous China Is?

    Can you see where this is going? YHVH is using the Globalists to progress Israel and America further into destruction. The Globalists think things are going their way and that they are in control moving the world from pestilence to war now. Right on schedule, they do YHVH’s bidding as laid out in the prophets. But let’s not start with that. You already know what’s going on. Let’s talk about some thing you might or might not know about regarding Satan’s move to destroy all humanity.

    That all starts with China and what has now progressed to become the process of the beast marking the earth’s people for the beast one wave of coronavirus at a time – where are we now?

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  • 04/23/2021 COVID Vaccine Bio-Weaponizes Humans; Kills The Unvaccinated, Too

    Things are happening so fast it is now difficult to keep up. I have to put some of the news in News News & Prophecy so be sure to read those headlines. Sometimes I put my red comments in there, too.

    The worst is yet to come. This week, we began finding out that unvaccinated people are being diseased by the vaccinated! The COVID vaccine is now infecting the unvaccinated through the vaccinated but not with Wuhan virus. The un-jabbed are now suffering with the diseases that the jabbed are getting after taking the jab, diseases like reproductive disorders, heart attacks, strokes, auto-immune diseases and easy bruising.

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  • 04/22/2021 China’s Rapid Rise & What It Means For YHVH’s People

    The world we now live in is the transition phase from what was to what will be whether it be the Globalists’ vision now being implemented or Yeshua YHVH Elohim’s intention which is also being implemented though out of the sight of the world.

    The elements that will bring about one of the two visions of the future now exist. The 7 year Tribulation will work toward the future desired by the New World Order (now renamed “Globalists”) or Yeshua YHVH Elohim’s Kingdom. Both Kingdoms, the one Satan created and in which the Globalists live and Yeshua YHVH Elohim’s eternal Kingdom, cannot exist together after the Tribulation is over. One will rule and reign; the other will be destroyed, and at the end of the Millennium, Satan will have one more chance to steal creation. This will also fail.

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  • 04/15/2021 The Beasts’ Rapid Progression: Lockdowns & Vaxxports

    Israel has reached a new COVID milestone. Israel’s Health and Tourism Ministries have announced that a limited number of vaccinated tourists will be allowed to enter Israel in organized groups starting May 23. Individual travelers are expected to be allowed in at a later stage.

    The date is important. The first thing to recognize is that it comes after the possibility of a second Passover and after Shavuot but just in time for organized vaccinated groups of tourists to make arrangements to be in Jerusalem for Sukkot. Those who have shown themselves willing to be marked by the beast will now be allowed to attend the Feasts in Jerusalem so they can further come under the beast’s authority.

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