
  • The “Introvert Hangover” | Episode 54
    Do you get worn out by long stretches of socializing, back-to-back meetings, or traveling with groups? You might be prone to something known as the "introvert hangover". Learn more about this phenomenon (and how to avoid it) in this episode! Further readingAs I mention in the podcast, I recently was introduced to the "introvert hangover' concept through the work of Jenn Granneman, the founder of https://introvertdear.com/ (IntrovertDear.com) and the author of http://amzn.to/2kBaFTH (The Secret Lives of Introverts: Inside Our Hidden World). If you'd like to learn more, I highly recommend starting with her article, https://introvertdear.com/news/introvert-hangover-signs/ ("12 Signs You Have an 'Introvert Hangover')". The good news is, once you're aware of this phenomenon, you can start taking steps to avoid it. For example, take introversion expert Susan Cain's advice and schedule "restorative niches". https://careerpivot.com/2019/introverts-have-you-scheduled-your-restorative-niches/ (This article) offers some creative some ways to do that. And https://www.riskology.co/introvert-social-calendar/ (here are some more ideas) for managing your social calendar in a way that nurtures you.    
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  • Climb EVERY Mountain?! Thoughts on “Finding Your Purpose” | Episode 53
    As someone who loves to travel and explore, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the scene in The Sound of Music where the Reverend Mother urges the lovestruck and confused Maria to hit the pause button on her plan to become a nun and "climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow. . ." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKuqySkqhHw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKuqySkqhHw) There's sage advice in there, for sure. But, if you take the song too literally, it also sounds... exhausting! Luckily, we don't need to spend our days scaling snowy peaks to find purpose and meaning right here, right now. Further readingIn this episode, I reference the work of Dr. Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist, philosopher, and holocaust survivor. His autobiographical account of life in Nazi prizon camps, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man%27s_Search_for_Meaning (Man's Search for Meaning), has inspired countless people to reclaim their sense of purpose. Coaching informationIn my work as a certified coach, I specialize in helping people who identify as quiet, introverted and/or shy overcome their limiting beliefs and embrace who they are. https://www.daocloud.com/pro/stephanie-martin-taylor (Here is a link )to more information. If you’d like to book a free consult, the easiest way is through my coaching portal. https://www.coachaccountable.com/offering/PmDMa1kxDAWSFGZxydfEjpfJ6ssOFbk (Click here) to find a time and book a free mini-session. If you have questions or would like more information, please email me at https://yourbeautifulbaggage.com/episodes/overcoming-shyness-five-ways-traveling-solo-helped-episode-51/stephanie@yourbeautifulbaggage.com (stephanie@yourbeautifulbaggage.com.)  
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  • Accessing Your Optimism | Episode 52
    Even when life is uncertain (and — spoiler alert! —) it's always uncertain, it's important to keep dreaming and visualizing your future. In this podcast, I share my thoughts about why accessing your optimism can be so beneficial. Further explorationAs you might recall, I talked about the importance of dreaming and visioning at the start of 2020. Although that year definitely didn't go as planned, the time spent visualizing goals and dreams wasn't wasted. I invite you to https://yourbeautifulbaggage.com/episodes/dreaming-the-impossible-dream-part-2/ (take another listen,) and refer to the episode notes for a deeper dive into this fascinating topic. Coaching informationIn my work as a certified coach, I help people who identify as quiet, introverted, and/or shy overcome limiting beliefs to achieve their goals. https://www.daocloud.com/pro/stephanie-martin-taylor (Here is a link )to more information. If you’d like to book a free consult, the easiest way is through my coaching portal. https://www.coachaccountable.com/offering/PmDMa1kxDAWSFGZxydfEjpfJ6ssOFbk (Click here) to find a time and book a free mini-session. If you have questions or would like more information, please email me at https://yourbeautifulbaggage.com/episodes/overcoming-shyness-five-ways-traveling-solo-helped-episode-51/stephanie@yourbeautifulbaggage.com (stephanie@yourbeautifulbaggage.com.)    
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  • Overcoming Shyness: Five Ways Traveling Solo Can Help | Episode 51
    In this episode, I share five ways traveling — and, specifically, traveling on my own — helped me overcome shyness. Even if you're pretty confident, we all have fears and hesitations that hold us back. I invite you to see if anything I learned resonates with you! Stay safe while traveling solohttps://www.ricksteves.com/travel-tips/trip-planning/tips-for-solo-women-travelers (Here) are some safety tips and common-sense advice for women traveling alone in Europe. And https://www.bankrate.com/finance/credit-cards/female-solo-travel-guide/ (this article )offers even more excellent tips on how to protect yourself, physically and financially, while you travel alone. Coaching informationIn my work as a certified coach, I help people who identify as quiet, introverted and/or shy embrace who they are and overcome their limiting beliefs. https://www.daocloud.com/pro/stephanie-martin-taylor (Here is a link )to more information. If you’d like to book a free consult, the easiest way is through my coaching portal. https://www.coachaccountable.com/offering/PmDMa1kxDAWSFGZxydfEjpfJ6ssOFbk (Click here) to find a time and book a free mini-session. If you have questions or would like more information, please email me at stephanie@yourbeautifulbaggage.com.  
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  • When Life Gives You Lemons | Episode 50
    Thanks for listening! And don't forget to sign up for the newsletter by visiting the home page of yourbeautifulbaggage.com (scroll to the bottom for the signup form). Coaching informationThank you for helping spread the word about my coaching offerings. https://www.daocloud.com/pro/stephanie-martin-taylor (Here is a link )to more information. If you'd like to book a free consult, the easiest way is through my coaching portal. https://www.coachaccountable.com/offering/PmDMa1kxDAWSFGZxydfEjpfJ6ssOFbk (Click here) to find a time and book a free mini-session.
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  • Perfectionism – Part 2 | Episode 49
    If you watched Sesame Street in the 1970's and 80's, you might recall a wild-haired musical genius muppet named Don Music. Or maybe you don't. Producers https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/meet-muppets-evicted-sesame-street-1182864 (stopped airing his segments) after learning that little Gen-Xers were emulating the tortured artist's tantrums, which involved wailing, sobbing, and — most alarmingly — throwing his head onto the piano keys. I agree that Don's head-banging histrionics didn't set the best example for kids, but let's also remember that this was an era when children biked and roller-skated helmetless https://www.metv.com/lists/12-reasons-kids-from-the-60s-and-70s-shouldnt-be-alive-right-now (and no one blinked an eye). And, when viewed as lessons for adults, the Don Music segments are, in my opinion, a brilliantly hilarious depiction of perfectionism at its worst. For more on why I love Don Music (and, especially, his interactions with Kermit the Frog) and what those segments can teach us about taming toxic perfectionism, I invite you to listen to today's podcast episode. Then, click on the links below to learn more to watch the artiste in action. Finally, ask yourself: How can you summon your inner Kermit the Frog when perfectionism rears its head? In the meantime, I advise wearing a helmet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51LT4kBwAGY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfqc07-C4Vw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrJnzBFzEEY      
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  • Perfectionism – Part 1 | Episode 48
    While having high standards can take us far in life, trying to earn an "A+" in everything we do can lead to burnout, illness, and depression. Today's episode, part one of a two-part series, is an invitation to take a look at your perfectionistic tendencies. Are they helping you, or holding you back? Further readinghttps://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/through/201903/the-price-perfection (This article), in Psychology Today, explains the fear-based roots of perfectionism and why chronic perfectionism is detrimental to our health and well-being. It also offers a number of helpful tools and mindfulness exercises to keep perfectionism at bay. It's often perfectionism that keeps people who are shy/socially anxious from putting themselves and their work out into the world. More about that https://adaa.org/learn-from-us/from-the-experts/blog-posts/consumer/social-anxiety-imperfect-new-perfect (here) and why "imperfect is the new perfect" may be a helpful mantra to adopt. Share your anti-perfectionism mantra!Do you have a favorite mantra when you're mired in perfectionistic thinking? Please share in the comments section! Want more help managing your perfectionism?As a coach, I can help you identify what's causing you to get mired in perfectionism and teach you tools to overcome the perfectionistic tendencies that stop you in your tracks. If you're interested in learning more about what coaching can do for you, I invite you to book a free 20-minute consult. https://www.coachaccountable.com/offering/PmDMa1kxDAWSFGZxydfEjpfJ6ssOFbk (Click here) to book your session today.
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  • Your Amazing Brain | Episode 47
    In this episode, we explore the concept of neuroplacticity — the brain's ability to change and rewire itself to adapt to changing circumstances. It sounds complicated but, as I learned recently, even something as simple as painting your nails can be enough to change your neural circuitry. Further reading about the science of neuroplasticityThe science is exciting; but, as with anything having to do with health, there is also a lot of hype to sift through. Here are a few articles that offer a mix of practical tips and perspective. From Healthline, https://www.healthline.com/health/rewiring-your-brain (6 Simple Ways to Rewire Your Brain) From the BBC, https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20151123-the-brains-miracle-superpowers-of-self-improvement (The Brain's Miracle Superpowers of Self-Improvement ) From the New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/19/health/brain-removal-hemispherectomies-scans.html (How the Brain Can Rewire Itself After Half of It is Removed)  
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