
  • Best Archaeological Finds of 2024 (Part 2) – Chris and Kyle

    Episode: Part 2 of our Best Archaeological Finds for 2024 (we’re not that far into 2025!). Enjoy this second of a two-part series.

    Hosts: Chris McKinny and Kyle Keimer

    Give: Visit our Donate Page if you want to help Biblical World and OnScript continue by becoming a regular donor.

    Related Episodes: Have a listen to Part I HERE.

    Image Attribution: Cuneiform tablet known as Letter ZTT 22. (Credit: Ziyaret Tepe Archaeological Project)

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    40 分
  • Best Archaeological Finds of 2024 (Part 1) - Chris and Kyle

    Episode: Back by popular demand is our Best Archaeological Finds series, and this one for 2024 (we're not that far into 2025!). Enjoy this first of a two-part series.

    Hosts: Chris McKinny and Kyle Keimer

    Give: Visit our Donate Page if you want to help Biblical World and OnScript continue by becoming a regular donor.

    Image Attribution: Cuneiform tablet known as Letter ZTT 22. (Credit: Ziyaret Tepe Archaeological Project)

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    1 時間
  • Egyptology and the Exodus Narrative - Chris and Mark (Egypt Series)

    Episode: We're continuing our series on Egypt and the Bible! In this episode we're focused on the geography, archaeology, and the history of the exodus, including the route and wilderness wanderings. We discuss the sites Pi-Ramesses, Pithom, and Succoth.

    Hosts: Chris McKinny and Mark Janzen

    Give: Visit our Donate Page if you want to help Biblical World and OnScript continue by becoming a regular donor.

    Image Attribution: By Ancient_Egypt_map-en.svg: Jeff Dahlderivative work: Wikipedia

    Egypt Series: Check out these other episodes in the Egypt Series * Egypt and the Bible (Part 1) - https://onscript.study/egypt-and-the-bible-part-1-mark-janzen-and-chris-mckinny/ * Egypt and the Bible (Part 2) - https://onscript.study/egypt-and-the-bible-part-2-mark-janzen-and-chris-mckinny/ * Karnak and Egyptology - https://onscript.study/podcast/biblical-world-karnak-mark-janzen/ * The Egyptian Plagues - https://onscript.study/the-egyptian-plagues-real-world-calamities-on-the-nile-egypt-series/ * Early or Late Emergence of Israel - https://onscript.study/early-or-late-emergence-of-israel-egypt-series-chris-mckinny-and-mark-janzen/

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    48 分
  • Historical Geography - John Monson

    Episode: In this episode, Kyle and Chris are joined by John Monson to discuss the history of one of their favorite subjects – the Historical Geography of the Bible.

    Guest: Dr. Monson was born to missionary parents in Zaire but spent most of his youth in Jerusalem, Israel, where he developed an interest in biblical studies, archaeology, and historical geography. Prior to coming to Trinity he taught for eleven years at Wheaton College, where he received the Faculty Achievement Award in Teaching. His archaeological fieldwork has taken him to Syria, Lebanon, and numerous excavations in Israel. He's the author of Dothan I: Remains from the Tell (1953-1964), co-editor, (Eisenbrauns, 2005), 1 Kings in the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, and The Temple of Solomon (Oxford University Press, forthcoming) (adapted from the TEDS website).

    Hosts: Chris and Kyle

    Give: Visit our Donate Page if you want to help Biblical World and OnScript continue by becoming a regular donor.

    Resource: Jerusalem University College offers short term study courses in Historical Geography in the land of Israel, both in-person and online. https://www.juc.edu/academics/short-term-study-programs/historical-geographical/

    Image Attribution: https://www.juc.edu/academics/master-arts/biblical-history-and-geography/

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    1 時間 9 分
  • Chris and Kyle - Archaeology: What It Is and What It Does

    Episode: Episode: In this episode, Kyle and Chris talk about the fundamentals of biblical archaeology - both its underlying methodology and why they remain hopeless devotees to it. This episode includes stories from the field, the similarities and differences with Raiders of the Lost Ark, and so much more! If you wondered what biblical archaeology is and why you should care - this is the episode for you. Hosts: Chris McKinny and Kyle Keimer

    Give: Visit our Donate Page if you want to help Biblical World and OnScript continue by becoming a regular donor.

    Image Attribution: Courtesy of the Khirbet el-Ra'i Expedition

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    1 時間 34 分
  • Amy and Chris - Epic of Gilgamesh (Part 6)

    Episode: We're back, with Tablet V of the Epic of Gilgamesh. Chris and Amy take us on a deep dive into the great cedar forest at the mountains of the gods, where they will face Humbaba, guardian of the forest. Tune in and enjoy! Click to listen back to PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, and PART 5.

    Hosts: Chris McKinny and Amy Balogh

    Article by Amy mentioned in the Episode: Balogh, Amy L. "Chapter 2 The Tree of Life in Ancient Near Eastern Iconography". In The Tree of Life, (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2020). Access the article HERE.

    Give: Visit our Donate Page if you want to help Biblical World and OnScript continue by becoming a regular donor.

    Image Attribution: Wikipedia. By Rama, CC BY-SA 3.0 fr, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=50284881

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    1 時間 5 分
  • The Ephraimite Conquest of Bethel in Judges

    Episode: Chris and Kyle continue their series on the book of Judges, looking at the Ephraimite conquest of Bethel in Judges 1:22-26. They cover problems in the archaeology of Bethel, and they discuss the identity of the "Hittites" in this same passage.

    Hosts: Chris McKinny and Kyle Keimer

    Give: Help support OnScript and Biblical World as we grow and develop. Click HERE.

    Image: Khirbet Banat Bar, sometimes identified with the town of Zeredah in Ephraim, birthplace of Jeroboam. By Bukvoed - Own work, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=97495425

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    58 分
  • Sennacherib's War Camps - Chris and Kyle

    Episode: In this episode, Chris and Kyle discuss a recent journal article that claims to have found new evidence of Sennacherib’s 701 BC campaign against Judah. The article makes a lot of interesting, but ultimately problematic claims about the Historical Geography of the Biblical World. (Note: Although the audio makes reference to video, we were unable to do the video)

    Hosts: Chris and Kyle

    Give: Help support OnScript and Biblical World as we grow and develop. Click HERE.

    Image: King seated on his throne, within the walls of a captured city, including three houses and seven tents. [Quyunjik], Layard, nypl.digitalcollections.510d47dc-4779-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99.001.g

    Stephen Compton Article - https://popular-archaeology.com/article/first-ever-discovery-of-ancient-assyrian-military-camps-includes-biblical-site/

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    1 時間 15 分