
  • Season 5, Episode #36~ Ice Ice, Baby...

    Blind Hog and Acorn are back from the 10 day trip to Iceland- what an adventure it was!

    Waterfalls, basalt columns, crazy wind and weather, lovely people. You can check out photos on the Blind Hog and Acorn website- just look under Menu for the Iceland trip.

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  • Season 5, Episode #34~ Packed and Almost Loaded...

    Yup- September is almost here and time for the Blind Hog and Acorn to head out on an adventure... This year? ICELAND!

    Blind Hog is going along for the ride but Acorn is most excited... Chores are gettig done, house cleaned, piddly stuffs done. Packing was the easy part!

    There will probably NOT be a podcast next weekend but there will be one on the 14th.

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  • Season 5, Episode #33~ Acorn, RN Paralegal and Tire Changer...

    Acorn got back from an unexpected trip to Texas, leaving Blind Hog to man the conn. Seems like the farm did well under his watch and in Texas, ol' Frank is hanging in there- best as a 96 yr old can...

    Back on the farm for a week of preparations... MOre about THAT later!

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  • Season 5, Episode #32~ All Hail Capuchin Mechanic!

    Acorn did it at last! The Massey Ferguson tractor is running again! The last trick was discovering the micro inline gas filter that was hidden in the 90-degree connection from fuel line to carburetor. Voila!

    Farm finally got some rain after more than 3 weeks without- guess this means the grass will need mowing in a few days.

    Friend Judy gave us a finish mower but it needs work- another project for Acorn. Blind Hog makes a great assist.

    Big Mahindra can now shed the box blade and get the backhoe put back on. Miss Massey is back in action!

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  • Season 5, Episode #31~ "Sleeping In..."

    Blind Hog and Acorn forgot to record the podcast yesterday, remembering once they got in bed for the night. Pffff... It happens.

    Busy week with garage door seal strip repairs, purchasing Savanna goat kids from friends, and visiting another friend at her yard sale. ALL the socializing...

    Fingers crossed rain arrives tonight and tomorrow- things getting very crispy on the farm!

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  • Season 5, Episode #30~ Unexpected Trip and a Tree Comes Down

    Acorn had to fly the coop last week when her Momma went to hospital. Was scary for a bit, but the Queen Mum is a fighter. Expected full recovery!

    Acorn got back in time to watch a huge double-trunked walnut be removed from the yard of the Springfield house- tree trunks were separating and it was a matter of time for the two so fall. Arborists said we did good getting it taken down before it fell on its own.

    Acorn will continue to ramble on about automobile insurance costs and the need for listeners to check their cell phone bills. Fat can be trimmed!

    Dry spell is upon the farm. Shrubberies are not happy. Tomatoes are coming in now, okra soon to follow. August is here!

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  • Season 5, Episode #29~ Chicken Yard (almost) Completed

    Yup- the new and improved chicken yard is up, complete with chicken wire reinforcement and electric strings on the top. Soon, a single run of electric will be run on the lower outside to further deter climbing varmints. The pounding of t-posts was a breeze and stringing the fence relatively easy. You would think they had practice...

    Using physics, shrubberies were removed from the Springfield house. Yay!

    Blind Hog burned the brush pile, Acorn went crazy wit the push mower and various weed whacking devices. Enough for the day!

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  • Season 5, Episode #28~ Fox at the Hen House!!!

    Phew! Talk about sweat'n!

    Blind Hog and Acorn got a new project put to the top of the list- seems a vixen has been responsible, at least partially, in the decreasing number of laying hens. A new chicken yard is to be erected and while they are at it, the gate posts at the top the drive are being replaced. One post was done today! Yay!

    New pullets purchased, at least Acorn HOPES they are pullets... She and Blind Hog had to grab them while the owner just stood and watched...

    Garden has been doing super good since the Maximum Security Garden has been powered up. 7.5 joules of loveliness atop and outside the 4' fencing and chicken wire barrier.

    Mid-July and it certainly feels like summer... Hard to believe the days are really getting shorter.

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