Wahoo!!!! It's MorningBird Minute’s 1st Birthday! 52 Editions, 364 articles and a priceless team of stellar contributors that scour the depths of the internet to find you the latest features in social later, we are blowing out the candles on this well-deserved three-tier birthday cake! 🎂 This past year has flown by and we’re soaring with excitement to bring you another year’s worth of social and digital goodies! We are celebrating with other companies that have accomplished big things as well this week. Let’s get the party started with an appearance from our First Lady, who is coming in arm-in-arm with Pinterest, and watch out for Venmo, they are flingin’ bills all around the community, while TikTok is spreadin’ Brand Love all over the room!✌️All this and more in this week’s MorningBird Minute, Birthday Edition!