
  • Exodus episode 6 - Mount Sinai's Divine Voice and the Purpose of the Law

    Experience the remarkable journey of the Israelites as they arrive at Mount Sinai and hear God's voice for the first time. In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Paul Blackham and Reverend Joseph Steinberg to unpack the extraordinary significance of this divine encounter. We explore how this moment, highlighted in Exodus chapters 19 to 24, is unprecedented—echoing Deuteronomy 4's assertion that the people heard the Father's voice without seeing a form. We also draw parallels to key New Testament events where God's voice is heard, offering a deeper understanding of these sacred moments.

    Our discussion doesn't stop at the divine encounter; we navigate the giving of the law and its true purpose—not as a means of salvation, but as a reflection of God's holiness and a guide for living as His people. We also explore the profound meaning behind the Feast of Tabernacles, highlighting its symbolism in salvation history and its role in uniting believers. This episode promises to enrich your understanding of Exodus, the law, and the festivals that shape our faith, bringing ancient scriptures to life with insights from our knowledgeable guests.

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    15 分
  • Exodus episode 5 - Christ Foreshadowed: Moses, the Amalekites, and Jesus' Crucifixion

    Ready to witness the miraculous power of God through the eyes of the Israelites? Join Dr. Paul Blackham and Reverend Joseph Steinberg from Jews for Jesus UK as we explore Exodus chapters 13:17 through 18. You'll uncover how the angel of the Lord symbolizes both divine judgment and salvation, standing as a barrier between Israel and their enemies. Joseph Steinberg offers profound insights on the importance of standing still and letting God fight our battles, even when faced with relentless opposition like Pharaoh. Experience the jubilation of Moses and the Israelites as they burst into song, celebrating God's ultimate victory over wickedness and their incredible triumph of faith.

    But the journey doesn't end there. Step into the battlefield with Moses during the struggle against the Amalekites, where his raised arms—supported by Aaron and Hur—become a powerful symbol of Christ's mediating role. Paul Blackham draws compelling parallels to Jesus' crucifixion, emphasizing how Christ, when lifted up, draws all people to Himself, echoing the prophetic words of Isaiah 11:10 and 59:19. This episode is a stirring reminder of the strength found in faith and the assurance of victory through divine intervention. Don't miss this enlightening discussion on the powerful imagery of Jesus as our banner and His role in defeating sin.

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  • Exodus episode 4 - From Exodus to the Cross: The Eternal Significance of Passover

    How does the Passover lamb connect to Jesus on the cross? Join Richard Buse, Paul Blackham, and Reverend Joseph Steinberg from Jews for Jesus UK as they unravel the profound spiritual and prophetic dimensions of Passover. We journey through the chilling tenth plague in Exodus, examining the angel of the Lord's decree and its unexpected connection to New Testament theology. Reverend Steinberg delves into the symbolism of the Passover lamb and highlights the vital importance of personal faith for salvation, contrasting it with the inherited identity within Jewish heritage.

    We also explore the deep spiritual resonance of hymns about the blood of Christ, instrumental in historical Christian revivals. Hymnists like Fanny Crosby, Ira D. Sankey, and Charles Wesley have crafted songs that echo the themes of forgiveness and redemption central to the Passover story. Reflecting on the Exodus narrative, we discuss the inclusion of Egyptians who followed God's commands, illustrating God's impartiality and the broader message of redemption. The episode wraps up with an intriguing look at the metaphor of drinking Christ's blood, rooted in Jewish tradition, encouraging us to fully embrace the sacrifice Jesus made for humanity. Tune in for an enriching discussion that bridges old and new covenants, revealing the timeless significance of Passover.

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  • Exodus episode 3 - The Plagues of Egypt: Symbolism and Spiritual Insights

    Discover the profound lessons hidden within the pages of Exodus as we unravel Moses and Aaron's epic confrontations with Pharaoh. Reverend Joseph Steinberg from Jews for Jesus UK joins us to unpack the rich symbolism behind the Israelites' plea for a three-day journey, revealing its true meaning as a call for complete liberation. Through personal anecdotes and the Passover tradition, Reverend Steinberg illustrates how faith can transform even the bitterest of struggles into moments of profound sweetness and joy. This episode promises to resonate deeply with anyone navigating their own spiritual journey, offering insights into how initial hardships pave the way for ultimate deliverance.

    Journey with us through the powerful encounters between Moses and Pharaoh, highlighted by the miraculous transformation of Moses' staff into a serpent and the subsequent plagues. We'll explore these plagues as divine challenges to Egypt's gods, rather than mere natural phenomena. Reverend Steinberg provides a fascinating look at the historical context of Egypt's animal worship, enhanced by our tour of the British Museum's Egyptology section. Reflecting on the hardening of Pharaoh's heart, we draw parallels with the warnings in Romans 1 about the dangers of rejecting God's commands. Through these ancient narratives, we underscore the importance of making daily decisions that align with our faith and commitment to God. Tune in for an episode that bridges the ancient past with our present-day spiritual walk.

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  • Exodus episode 2 - Moses and the Burning Bush

    Embark on a journey through one of the Bible’s most captivating encounters as Reverend Joseph Steinberg of Jews for Jesus joins us to unpack the profound significance of Moses' burning bush experience. Did you know Moses was 80 when he was called by the angel of the Lord from within a burning bush that wasn't consumed? We dive deep into identifying this angel as the pre-incarnate Christ, exploring how this theophany underscores the eternal presence and divine plan of Jesus throughout history. By drawing parallels from passages in Judges, we highlight the continuity and steadfastness of God’s promises.

    But that’s not all—our conversation transcends the miraculous encounter to discuss the transformative power behind the signs given to Moses. From a staff turning into a snake to a leprous hand and water turning to blood, these signs were more than mere miracles; they embodied divine authority and assurance. We also venture into the ancient practice of covenant-making, focusing on the symbolic and profound act of circumcision and the renaming of Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah. This episode promises to deepen your understanding of God's unwavering commitment and the power of faith in overcoming life's challenges.

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  • Exodus episode 1 - Divine Encounters, and the Legacy of Exodus

    How does the story of Moses illuminate the theological core of the Bible? Join us as we explore the profound narratives of the Book of Exodus with Reverend Dr. Paul Blackham and Reverend Joseph Steinberg. From the birth of Moses to his transformative years in Midian, discover the critical events that shaped his journey and how they offer us valuable insights into God's interactions with humanity. We'll reveal the significance of the tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Israelites' deliverance as foundational elements that echo throughout the Old and New Testaments.

    Step back in time to understand the historical plight of the Israelites in Egypt, from their flourishing under Joseph to their harsh enslavement under a new Pharaoh. Through Moses' challenging yet redemptive journey, we uncover powerful lessons about resilience, divine purpose, and the orchestration of God's plan in our lives. Whether you're seeking theological knowledge or personal encouragement, this episode promises to reshape your understanding of both scripture and your own spiritual path. Tune in for an enriching conversation that bridges ancient stories with contemporary faith.

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  • Genesis episode 10 - Jacob and Joeseph's Journey of Faith

    Can a life marked by manipulation and self-sufficiency transform into one of humility and unwavering faith? Join us for "The End of the Beginning," where we reflect on Jacob's incredible journey from crafty youth to a wise elder recognizing God's hand in his life. With Anne Graham Lotz as our esteemed guest, we uncover the rich themes of grace, faith, and spiritual legacy through Jacob's blessings to Joseph and his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Together, we celebrate the profound impact of parental blessings and the enduring presence of God, offering hope and anticipation for the continuation of the biblical narrative.

    From the prophetic significance of Genesis 49:10 to the powerful parallels between Genesis chapters 2 and 50, our conversation delves into the continuity of God's promises and presence. Jacob's insistence on being buried in the promised land underscores his unshakeable faith, a testament mirrored by Joseph. As we explore themes of salvation and faith, we draw meaningful connections that highlight the safety found in Christ's sacrificial love. Ending with a heartfelt prayer, this episode invites listeners to reflect on their spiritual journey and the assurance of God's grace, filling hearts with gratitude and hope.

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  • Genesis episode 9 - Joseph's Journey Through Prophetic Dreams, Trials, and Sovereignty in Genesis

    Discover the divine intricacies of God's plan through the life of Joseph in our latest Bible study episode. Join us as we unravel chapters 37 to 47 of Genesis, highlighting Joseph's prophetic dreams and the profound impact they had on his family dynamics. Special guest Anne Graham-Lotz and Paul Blackham lend their insightful perspectives as we dissect the narratives of Joseph's trials and triumphs, and the complex story of Judah and Tamar. Through discussions about repentance, grace, and redemption, we shed light on the often-overlooked divine significance behind these events.

    Experience the transformative power of confronting past wrongs and the unexpected ways in which God's promises unfold, even in the bleakest times. We'll explore Joseph's emotional reunion with his brothers during a famine, emphasizing the importance of repentance and the journey to reconciliation. Reflect with us on how Joseph's life underscores the strength of God's purpose amidst adversity, drawing parallels to contemporary challenges faced by the Christian church. This episode is a powerful testament to faith, hope, and the unyielding sovereignty of God's plan, offering a beacon of encouragement for today's listeners.

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    Book by Book (biblicalframeworks.com)

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