Brian Winch is an author, mentor and has been cleaning up litter from parking lots since 1981.
https://www.linkedin.com/company/cleanlots https://www.facebook.com/pages/CLEANLOTS/906608026017446
The Follow Your True Azimuth Micro Podcast is a frequently infrequent dose of #inspiration. G. Scott Graham produces the show and hosts people who #strive to follow their true azimuth. In just 5 minutes, you'll hear about the #results people have reaped by honoring their true selves, bravely taking action, and holding steadfast in their pursuit of living fully in #alignment with who they are.
https://podcast.trueazimuth.biz https://trueazimuth.biz http://gscottgraham.com
#TrueAzimuth #gscottgraham