Sign up for the Coach and Spouse Getaway: nkyfca.org/getaway
"Taking your marriage from stagnant and complacent to active and creative" - Brad Rhoads
Coaching can be tough, and so can marriage...the two together can put even the best relationships to the test.
This is why Brad Rhoads with Grace Marriage jumps on the podcast.
Website: https://www.gracemarriage.com/
He shares his journey from a college tennis player to a lawyer, to a switch to full-time marriage ministry.
He and his wife presented back-to-back years at our KY FCA Coach and Spouse Getaway and crushed it!
Walk away with some great insights and tips on how to have a marriage that is full of life and fun
Website: https://www.nkyfca.org/podcast
Instagram: @nkyfca
Twitter: @nkyfca @natesallee24
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NKYFCA