This is the seventh episode in a series of episodes dedicated to a young woman named Olivea. This episode is with special guest, Jason Schmidt. Jason’s parents were Janell’s youth pastors and to this day have had a lasting impact on her life. Jason was on the podcast back in 2021 and opened up about considering going into full-time ministry. He gives us an update on what he’s been up to since the last time he was on the podcast, why he’s passionate about youth ministry and goes into depth about what he learned from losing his dad in a car accident.
Jason is currently the High School & Young Adult Director at Hope Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Before that, he went to Seattle Pacific University for his undergrad and played soccer there, and then went on to Boise State to pursue his Masters. Jason is passionate about reaching the next generation for Jesus and having them have a personal relationship with him. He has seen how God is using his love for both fitness and sharing the Gospel and has gotten to see how both of his passions are reaching the youth in his community.
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