
  • Ep. 21: Is the Republican Party's Big Business Fetish Killing It?

    Texas has become famous for its pro-business image due to its low tax and light regulatory regime However, this comes with a massive cost. In another episode of the Caudillocast, Pedro and José discuss how the GOP's big Business fixation could hurt its electoral prospects in the Lone Star State in the long-term.

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  • Ep. 20: The Afghan Rape Scandals the Media Refused to Cover

    The Afghanistan war was not only a failed nation-building venture, but also a hub of sexual degeneracy. Pedro Gonzalez and José Niño discuss Pedro’s article at Chronicles Magazine titled "The Rape of the Afghan Boys" and give the audience an idea of some of the acts of depravity that took place in Afghanistan.

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  • Ep. 19: Pedro Goes to Texas

    Caudillocast Co-Host Pedro Gonzales made a recent trip to Texas to talk before the True Texas Project about the state of the Republican Party of Texas and what must be done to overhaul it. José sits down to discuss this event with Pedro and see what were the major grievances aired during this event.

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    30 分
  • Ep. 18: Is Neoconservatism Making a Resurgence?

    With the Afghanistan withdrawal complete, many questions are up in the air about the future of US foreign policy. Are neoconservative/neoliberal interventionist outlooks still relevant or are they still dead? Pedro and José talk about the Afghanistan withdrawal and what it says about the current ruling class’s foreign policy priorities.

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  • Ep. 17: The Republican Party’s Transformative Degeneracy

    The Republican Party's recent support of candidate Caitlyn Jenner is another sign of their descent into the losing game of identity group pandering. Pedro and José provide a scathing critique of the GOP’s outreach strategies and offer a new vision for the GOP.

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  • Ep. 16: Are Hispanics Drifting to the Right?

    New Pew data indicate that former President Donald Trump made strong inroads with Hispanics during the 2020 elections. What to make of this? Pedro and José offer their unique take to this trend and what it means for right-wing outreach to non-white communities.




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  • Ep. 15: Can the Intellectual Dark Web be Trusted?

    Is the Intellectual Dark Web an ineffective opposition to the cultural Left? Pedro and José discuss some of the flaws of the IDW and why most of its prominent figures unwittingly consolidate the PC narratives that dominate American political discourse.

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  • Ep. 14: What's All the Fuss About "Latinx"?

    "Latinx" is the latest term the cultural Left is using to impose its woke standards on Latinos. Pedro and José sit down to discuss the implications of the term and how the Left is using it as a blunt weapon against Spanish-speaking cultures.

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